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  1. A

    How Do You Make Tea With Him?

    Just take any fallen-off/browning/yellow leaves (fan leaves, smaller leaves, etc.) when a plant is in flowering, is what I did. One could try taking fallen-off/browning/yellow leaves in vegetative growth stage but I'm not sure what the tetrahydrocannabinol content is during that stage. Boiling...
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    Receding Pistils and Swollen Calyxes?

    I think they generally look 'milky.' But I can't tell if there could possibly be some amber-colored ones. The pictures aren't lucid enough this instance.
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    Receding Pistils and Swollen Calyxes?

    Do the pistils on any of the plants look like they're receding and does it appear that there's swollen calyxes? Indica-oriented plant: Sativa-oriented plant: Smaller plant:
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    Macro Pictures of My Plants - Are the First and Second Plants Ready to Be Harvested?

    I've noticed as the two plants have matured that their leaves near the budding sites have turned purple. Do you think they look sativa, indica or hybrid? Also, do you think it's impossible to tell what strain(s) these plants are?
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    Arjan strawberry haze

    Not ready to harvest yet, most likely. Waiting 10 weeks is probably correct. I've heard some trichomes do start out brown (amber), so that's normal. Unless you meant the pistils. But they don't seem to look mature. Yeah, the plant just doesn't seem to be mature yet. Harvestability is...
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    Macro Pictures of My Plants - Are the First and Second Plants Ready to Be Harvested?

    Are the first and second plants ready to be harvested? I took these pictures on September 27th. I know the third and fourth plants aren't ready. I'd like to harvest when the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is at its peak, but also receive the largest bounty possible for that harvesting style...
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    Questions About Oral Intake of Cannabis

    1. Say you just put cannabis in a glass container in the oven, submerging the cannabis in olive oil. You then cook it. Would it be fine to simply eat the cannabis 'bud' pieces solely and drink the olive oil to get an experience? 2. Or is it necessary to have more substance (like a brownie...
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    Questions About Oral Intake of Cannabis

    Aha, nice. I discovered that there's actually considerable tetrahydrocannabinol in even the non-trichome leaves and stems. I just collected not even a handful of fallen-off leaves and it gave me an experience.
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    Questions About Oral Intake of Cannabis

    Oh yeah, 'hella.' That's disappointing if actuality, that any digestive processing of cannabis won't be as potent as smoking cannabis, given the same weight of cannabis flowers between smoked and eaten. But the effects do last longer apparently and it's said to be more of a psychedelic...
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    Questions About Oral Intake of Cannabis

    I'm curious how to intake cannabis orally in the simplest manner, yet not to where any potency, at all, is lost - maximum potency being garnered. I hear so-called simple recipes like cannabis in peanut butter on crackers, but I wonder if that recipe can't achieve the highest potency. As in...
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    How Do You Make Tea With Him?

    I made a cannabis tea from simply fallen-off leaves and their stems. I collected not even a handful. I let them dry for a few hours. Then I put the leaves into a large glass container (so I could have more liquid). I poured hot water (not boiling though) on the leaves and added lemon juice...
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    Are These Plants Harvestable?

    Oh yeah, ha. I was editing it because it wasn't desirable. It's fixed now.
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    Are These Plants Harvestable?

    I took these pictures (clear) on September 15th (the links are clickable):