Questions About Oral Intake of Cannabis

Alleah Oon

Active Member
I'm curious how to intake cannabis orally in the simplest manner, yet not to where any potency, at all, is lost - maximum potency being garnered. I hear so-called simple recipes like cannabis in peanut butter on crackers, but I wonder if that recipe can't achieve the highest potency. As in, more potency could have been extracted from the cannabis. And peanut butter on crackers isn't really desirable to me. I don't care to ingest food, since I'm just trying to get cannabis effects.

So I was thinking that just putting cannabis in olive oil and heating it for a significant duration would be even easier. Or cannabis in coconut milk and heating it. You'd just eat the cannabis either way, without really substance beside it. Does this ensure the highest potency or would that lessen potency?

What I did in the past was just put peanut butter in a glass container. I then mixed the cannabis into it. I put tin foil over the glass container and heated it. But mixing the peanut butter is annoying. I wonder if that method even ensured the maximum potency.

Another two things I was wondering was if chopping/crushing the cannabis is necessary to increase potency for cooking. And I hear eating on an empty stomach is best, but can you eat right after or during the effects or will that limit the 'high?'


Active Member
Ok so 1. WHenever you cook anything it looses some potency but if you make it right you can get knocked on your ass. I make some super strong butter where half a cookie gets you baked and the other half has you gigglin over nothin.

2. You can put cannabis in anything! as well as making butter for any recipe that calls for it, I also make canna oil. I eat sunflower seeds alot so I like to bake my seeds in em, gives ya a lil head high. IDK about just mixin in peanut butter and lettin that go sounds like a waste.

3. You crush the nugs up so that when it's cooked in the butter or oil it's easier for the thc to stick to the fat cells in the butter or oil. It just makes the process easier and faster.

4. Ive never not gotten high off of eating a cookie or brownie after dinner unless it was weak to begin with.

Alleah Oon

Active Member
Oh yeah, 'hella.' That's disappointing if actuality, that any digestive processing of cannabis won't be as potent as smoking cannabis, given the same weight of cannabis flowers between smoked and eaten. But the effects do last longer apparently and it's said to be more of a psychedelic experience than smoking. Ha, nice. I just ate some sunflower seeds.

The undesirability of crushing/chopping cannabis flowers is that it seems like the trichomes would stick onto the crushing utensil. Then you have to try to put the resin on the utensil back into the recipe again. It's unappealing to me.

So what is the oral intake method that offers maximized potency yet is the simplest?


Active Member
it is... I only use my trimmings and some nugs sometimes but mostly just sugar leaves... Man I got "Cheeba Chew" from the dispensery and it's like 70mg of THC in a lil tootsie rool. DOOOOODE! amazing I wouldn't say it's a waste to cook it up but it is extra time and effort that may not pay off.

Alleah Oon

Active Member
Aha, nice. I discovered that there's actually considerable tetrahydrocannabinol in even the non-trichome leaves and stems. I just collected not even a handful of fallen-off leaves and it gave me an experience.


Staff member
butter or oil is your best bet and making it into something like cookies brownies cake, food ect, not firecrackers or tea

Alleah Oon

Active Member
1. Say you just put cannabis in a glass container in the oven, submerging the cannabis in olive oil. You then cook it. Would it be fine to simply eat the cannabis 'bud' pieces solely and drink the olive oil to get an experience?

2. Or is it necessary to have more substance (like a brownie, peanut butter and crackers, etc.) while there's an intake of cannabis? Even though the THC binding with the oil (in the cannabis plant material itself and oil used) has already been accomplished.

3. And with preparation for cooking with cannabis, what is the most efficient technique used for breaking the cannabis into smaller pieces?


Active Member
1. no
2. There is plenty of info on different recipes all over
3. Small coffee grinder.

See you chop up the buds put it in a crock pot or regular pot throw in your butter, some water and your buds and let it cook on low for HOURS. This way the thc has time to stick to the fat cells in the butter which is then saved and used to cook with. You don't wanna just mix becaue then yo'llhave all the leaf and nug in your food. I always cook it in butter then drain it.