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  1. Smokeatrope420

    1st outdoor grow, ready to be harvest???

    Deff give it a week or so.
  2. Smokeatrope420

    Afghan Kush Ryder 250w HPS Grow

    I grew this outdoor had a realy shitty season, I got about 10 grams had to cut early also got a small case of PM. Can't imagine you getting a lot more.
  3. Smokeatrope420

    Hey oppinions on my baby :) second grow ever (pictures)

    I think you should by Sunday.
  4. Smokeatrope420

    pic update!hows she lookin

    Reminds me of an auto-flower, fucking hate them had bad expierence with my plant grew a afghan kush ryder. Yeah you shouldn't expect much more then 10g's if that, looks like it's been planted late and also seeing as it's almost september don't expect much. If this was start mid may it would be a...
  5. Smokeatrope420

    Check out my girl

    Yeah looking very healthy and strong, I'd say give it till early october and it's ready to be chopped.
  6. Smokeatrope420

    Afghan Skunk one more week and harvest?

    I would chop it to be honest hairs are mostly amber looks ready, don't want it over ripened but all on you..
  7. Smokeatrope420

    Guerilla Grow in Danger…Land Being Sold!!! Any Ideas or Advice Por Favor

    I can only imagine how you feel right now lol
  8. Smokeatrope420

    cable guy saw some shit!

    I sort of had the same situation except not as bad I was hot boxing my basement and I totally forgot the dish network guy was coming over to hook up the new recievers and all that he didn't really say much I knew he smelt it because when we got in the base ment he just took a big whiff and said...
  9. Smokeatrope420

    Outdoor AUTO Grow. Auto Assassin, Sup. Cali Haze, La Diva, White Moscow

    Not trying to hate on your grow looking great and all but you should take it out the tree i mean anyone just form curosity will see it and be like wtf is that and then be happy as fuck when they see its bud lol just lettin ya know
  10. Smokeatrope420

    Fuck a Greendot prepaid card..

    Lol this is a stupid thread if your not retarded you would know it says Valid only in the untied states Attitude is UK you can order international once you get your actual card int he mail...
  11. Smokeatrope420

    slow bud production

    One of the problems you have is your using CFL's for your flowering stage upgrade to HPS lights way better for budding production, My opinion you don't have the right amount of light which is making your plant bud slower..
  12. Smokeatrope420

    2 weeks indoors, the rest, FUN IN THE SUN, nirvanas wonder woman and nirvanas maui

    Seedlings looking good, set up lookin' a bit ghetto rigged. xD
  13. Smokeatrope420

    First Outdoor Grow

    Better warm then cold, the better the climate the better the buds... All I got to say
  14. Smokeatrope420

    First Outdoor Grow

    I would a wait a bit longer, The way you want to set iy up is fine, on to the soil get a organic mix from home depo and you should be set. :) but the weaher deff wait until the nights hit around 60+ and you should be good to go, Good luck!
  15. Smokeatrope420

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    Hey bro looking really nice about to start my outdoor grow soon as well
  16. Smokeatrope420

    Need help with soil!

    Thanks man I hope Homedepo or other outdoor stores might have that.
  17. Smokeatrope420

    Need help with soil!

    Can you give me some recommendations, links, etc..
  18. Smokeatrope420

    Need help with soil!

    Yeah that! and I'm planning on using it on a gerimated seed, Plan on getting Violator kush seeds, if that does not work out then normal regs seeds :(
  19. Smokeatrope420

    Need help with soil!

    Alright so I need to know he numbers on the bag of soil, I know it has 3 numbers on it like this, Example x-x-x I need to know that number thanks!!
  20. Smokeatrope420

    Better wild growing?

    This is really good info here thanks :)