Search results

  1. Mr Hollywood

    Is it possible to convert a headlamp into a grow light?

    Hey, I know the post is a month old, just figured I'd answer your question. Yes you can do it, and yes it works. Considerably better than cfl's too and uses much less energy. Also since they're designed for automotive use many have long warranties and are shock proof, water proof, etc. Also...
  2. Mr Hollywood

    Air pump and circulation pump for a water barrel

    Agreed. Pick up any submersible pump with 1/2" threads, a piece of 1/2" pvc pipe, a 1/2" threaded male pvc adapter fitting, and 2 1/2" pvc 90 degree elbows. Depending on the height of your reservoir cut the pvc into 2 pieces of unequal length. Slip the threaded adapter on one end of the longer...
  3. Mr Hollywood

    1st Time Grow - Please Help!!!

    If you bend the top of the plant over and use a twisty tie or piece of string to loosely tie it down, it creates an imbalance in the plant as its' main cola, the top of the plant, is no longer the most efficient source of energy. Basically other bud sites are getting more light that the main bud...
  4. Mr Hollywood

    Need help starting off!

    As a point of reference, my sig and avatar pics are both Feminized Afghan Kush Ryder (Autoflower) bred by World of Seeds, purchased through The Attitude Seedbank. I had 3 seeds, all three of which grew to about 2ft and had some extremely delicious sweet smelling great tasting knock you over...
  5. Mr Hollywood

    Need help starting off!

    Welcome to the forum Zippy! I'm going to type a quick grow guide for you that should be all you'll need. Of course there is a plethora of additional information on the web as well as right here at RIU. I highly suggest reading many of the grow faq on this site for more in depth answers and...
  6. Mr Hollywood

    Autoflowering and pot sizes

    IMO you don't even need to go as big as a gallon, especially with an Auto. I'm not saying using a 1 gal or larger is a bad thing, it'll work just fine, just that it isn't necessary as long as the correct density grow medium is used. I've found the using the correct density grow medium makes...
  7. Mr Hollywood

    DIY HPS Light Reflector Hood.. Expertise Needed!

    The glass is by all means not necessary although you will have increased cooling and other benefits by having it sealed. I would suggest making it without the glass first and use it/mess around with it. During this time begin to develop and build an improved glass sealed version. By the time...
  8. Mr Hollywood

    DIY HPS Light Reflector Hood.. Expertise Needed!

    How's it going? Hopefully this will help with a few of your questions. I prefer making as much of my own equipment as possible, just something I enjoy doing. A few years ago when I was ready to purchase an air cooled reflector of some type I first began planning how to make my own. I ended...
  9. Mr Hollywood

    Hey all! Need help actually...

    Don't worry about transplanting, just follow one of the many writes up available online and you'll be fine. Remember, although we love to think our favorite plant is an extremely picky individual it's still a weed, with weed characteristics. It wants to survive extremely badly and if you follow...
  10. Mr Hollywood

    Can you make a clone from a plant that just flowered?

    Sure you could leave the bud on a branch with a couple small leaves, cut that branch, stick it in a cloner with 24/0, 20/4, or 18/6 light cycle, and revert it back to veg while also growing yourself a clone, but there are tons of things that could go wrong doing it this way for the inexperienced...
  11. Mr Hollywood

    I have a question about roots...

    Glad I could help!! To be honest I never thought about the idea that the plant would reabsorb nutrients in a dying leaf and then let it die, I always assumed given it's instinct for survival and it's reactions to heavy pruning that it would be constantly trying to revive the dying leaf. Very...
  12. Mr Hollywood

    OK this has been debated a million times I know..but what is the main word now?

    Agreed. But what if the perfect ratio were found........ :) Again, it's just a little side experiment I'm running. If anything beneficial comes of it I'll be sure to let everyone know. As for germinating in light, like I said it needs x amount of moisture and warmth. The seeds were still placed...
  13. Mr Hollywood

    First time growing Help plz

    Also look into more light. Although you can grow with your set up, to determine the amount of light needed for maximum yield a good set of guidelines is 50w per sq ft for HID lighting and 150w per sq ft for fluorescent lighting. There are of course a million things that could affect or change...
  14. Mr Hollywood

    OK this has been debated a million times I know..but what is the main word now?

    In regards to which light set up is the best, IMHO I believe it depends on what your goals are and what you're trying to accomplish. I have used 12/12, 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 for veg. For all around general growing I have found 20/4 to work the best with my set up and strains. At the same time, using...
  15. Mr Hollywood

    I have a question about roots...

    Sorry about spelling/grammar issues. I normally have decent grammar but my brain was moving faster than I could type and I wanted to make sure I posted as soon as possible for you :)
  16. Mr Hollywood

    I have a question about roots...

    Upon closer look at your pictures, I may have a solution. I would try this with one plant and see how you like the results, I by all means don't claim to know everything and I learn new stuff everyday, but I've had great results with my plants so far so take it with a grain of salt lol :)...
  17. Mr Hollywood

    I have a question about roots...

    What are you using for a soil/soil-less medium? In my experience I have found it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish and how you're trying to do it. For example, I love hydro but also like the benefits of soil-less. I use a mix of coco, perelite, vermiculite, and happy frog. It is...
  18. Mr Hollywood

    What Are Some Ways To Make Sure Your Plants Are Girls

    I started mine on 1/4 nutes 2 weeks after the first leaves came out. Although every strain is different, I'd suggest wait till you hit two weeks then start. If you want to be on the safe side do 1/8 strength for the first week and see how they react. If there are no signs of over fertilization...
  19. Mr Hollywood

    Crumpled plants! Trying not to let them die

    Also adding 1/4 strength nutes high in P and K (basically bloom nutes) will help out a lot with growing the root system. Also adding something like Aquastim available from Stein Gardens & Gifts or some type of liquid kelp will really help with root development. Remember, as with all forms of...
  20. Mr Hollywood

    Crumpled plants! Trying not to let them die

    How do the roots look? They should be a pure milky white. If any brown or tan is present put a tsp per gallon of Hydrogen peroxide in your reservoir. Also all that dead vegetation needs to be pruned. You should see a fairly quick and relatively large difference by removing dead and badly damaged...