First time growing Help plz

hey first time growing tell me is this is a good setup?

Grow tent 76x76x76

Lights: 600 Watt HPS Grow Light 2-In-1 Air Cool Tube Reflector Hood 600W Digital Ballast with timer

Fan: normal fans

Acu Rite Indoor Humidity

do i really need a vent?

and im growing it where its kinda cold so do i need to put a heater n the tent? thanks add tip if you want


Active Member
You need a vent to allow oxygen out. Plants breath in co2 and out oxygen if you have no vent you will end up with a tent full of oxygen and your plants will starve and die. I just noticed you will be using a cool tube.........where do you plan on sending the hot air from the light?? I suggest you look in the DIY section on how to make a carbon filter and attach it to the end of your cool tube.

As far as heat.........your the only one that knows the temps where you live, you could consider not using the cool tube and using the light as a heat source.
Also look into more light. Although you can grow with your set up, to determine the amount of light needed for maximum yield a good set of guidelines is 50w per sq ft for HID lighting and 150w per sq ft for fluorescent lighting. There are of course a million things that could affect or change these numbers, but for beginners it seems to be a pretty good set of guidelines. In your case 76" is 6.3 ft. I'll round down to an even 6 ft for simplicity purposes and to account for the inevitable floor space taken up by equipment. So 6x6 = 36 sq ft. Assuming all 36 sq ft will be filled with plants and used to grow, that's 16.6w per sq ft. You'd need 1800w of HID lighting to get 50w per sq ft for 36 sq ft. a 600w HID would give you 50w per sq ft in a 12 sq ft area, so 4x3 or 6x2. I f purchasing additional lighting is not an option for you, I'd suggest getting some Reflectix, and using it to create some temporary stand alone walls inside your tent forming a 4'x3' area. Then put 9 plants in that area giving each plant 1.3 sq ft of growing space. You'll love the end result :)

Hope this helps and good luck!