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  1. K

    males for cannabutter?

    I dont have time to grow them anymore so I guess the dumpster gets a snack lol
  2. K

    males for cannabutter?

    Yeah I know it wouldn't be the best but its always nice to have some munchies around :) do you think I should let then get bigger?
  3. K

    first grow ak48

    Two of my bagseeds turned male so I took those out. I'm thinking about planting them outside to use for cannabutter. the four females i'm left with are doing great. The ak48s are growing crazy fast and the two bagseeds are trying to keep up. I uploaded more pics to my photobucket so check them oit
  4. K

    males for cannabutter?

    No but all my females are safe inside
  5. K

    males for cannabutter?

    Hello everyone. I'm working om my first grow, I started off with six plants but two turned male so i'm left with four. I know that male plants don't have as much thc but it seems like a waste to just throw them out. I've seen plenty of posts saying you can make decent cannabutter using males so...
  6. K

    Please help!!!

    Check your Ph should be around 6.5. Make sure to measure after nutes
  7. K

    Help save my plants pleaseee!!

    What do you mean? Can't you just clean those out and use the same pots while they're still small?
  8. K

    Help save my plants pleaseee!!

    Dont use nutes until they're bigger or you'll just have more problems. I agree with bird, get those girls in some new soil. What are you using for lights?
  9. K

    Leaves turning and odd color.

    Looks like nute burn to me
  10. K


    Check your ph and stay away from nutrients until they're bigger, they'll just burn right up. What kind of soil are you using?
  11. K

    first grow ak48

    I decided to top four of my six plants, one ak48 three of the bagseeds. I topped the ak48 to have two tops and the others to have four. So far everything is looking great but it seems like the three that I topped at the second node seem to only be growing two tops so far. I uploaded more pics so...
  12. K

    A little help with this strain, killing fields

    I've had my seedlings about ten inches under a 400w mh and they're only three weeks old. As long as you keep the temp down I wouldn't mess with the light, maybe even move it closer. I think bird is right too, just get that soil balanced and she'll be much happier
  13. K

    unknown issue probably nutrient related

    Actually it looks like overfeeding to me. your leaves look very dark which can be caused by too much n and green/brown spots are also signs of overfeeding. I'd cut your nutes in half and see what happens
  14. K

    A little help with this strain, killing fields

    Whats the temp in the tent and how often to do you water? Looks a little stretched too, how far away is the light?
  15. K

    PLEASE HELP !!!! young vanilla kush plant leafs turning yellow, white and drying up

    The same thing happened to me. I'd check your ph if you can otherwise just make sure to let the water sit in an open container for a day or so. What soil did you transplant to? I had mine in mg organic mix then switched to ff ocean forest and lowered the ph and my babies are loving it
  16. K

    first grow ak48 Here's a link to my photobucket. Let me know what you guys think
  17. K

    First Grow - AK48 - Cabinet Grow

    Looks like an awesome setup. How many plants do you plan on growing?
  18. K

    first grow ak48

    What's up guys This is my first grow, I had a thread started but lost everything when the site got hacked and i'm finally getting around to starting a new one haha I've got two ak48 about two weeks old in a section of my closet, I ran into some major problems but now I think I've solved...