A little help with this strain, killing fields


Well-Known Member
Well hello everyone, I figure with my first official post here I might as well show up looking for help :) Anyways, I'm on my 2nd official grow and among my arsenal of greenery is a strain called Killing Fields. Heres a little backround on the strain

Anyway, my girl here is about 3 weeks old now and she just doesnt have a healthy look to her. She's wrinkled looking and scrawny as all get out. I have her in my grow tent under my 400 watt MH light but far enough away and in a corner to keep the youngster out of the brightest light. The soil is Roots 707

I've tried adding a little bit of lime to the soil and I did a foliar spray with a little bit of thrivealive in the bottle to try to get her going.

Please look at these pics and I look forward to your input, and its a pleasure to meet you all and look forward to kicking around ideas with fellow growers



Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Looks like a mutant to me (but I'm a noob so what do I know?), is it from seed?

If it's a mutant it might grow slow, and stunted, but still be really great smoke.


Well-Known Member
.....yeah its from seed. I used ( for the first time ) a little spongepot that came as a freebie with the seeds I ordered. The plant is a fair distance from the light ( probably 20 " and off to the side as I didnt want to overdue the light on the youngun. Its a 400 watt and its almost too much for a baby plant.

Temps when the lghts are on ( 18 hrs) range around 77 degrees and they dip to about 67 at the lowest point overnight. My temp gauge captures the high and low over the past 24 hrs.
Water sparingly maybe a little once a week. The pot isnt near as dry as the plant appears to be.

Thanks for the input guys, any more questions or ideas I'm all ears. I paid some bucks for these fem seeds so I hope to not lose any.


Well-Known Member
WoW, 89 views already ! This must be the place to be ! I wondered where everybody went on the other sites that seem to be dying. Everybody must have moved here and nobody told me !! :)


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking the 400watt MH light might have been too much for her so warly on even though I kept her some distance from the direct light. I think maybr I'll try pulling her out of the veg tent and put her under a CFL by herself ( ICU) and see if that helps her. Does that sound like a plan ?

Thanx for your input folks !

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The metal halide is not the best choice for growing weed for starts but that*s not the total problem. The soil you're using most likely came prebalanced. When you added the lime you offset that balance. Put a couple teaspoons of ash derived from plant material and add it to a gallon of water and water with that for a bit and it will help nutrualize the lime. You may have to repot in balanced soil again.


Well-Known Member
The metal halide is not the best choice for growing weed for starts but that*s not the total problem. The soil you're using most likely came prebalanced. When you added the lime you offset that balance. Put a couple teaspoons of ash derived from plant material and add it to a gallon of water and water with that for a bit and it will help nutrualize the lime. You may have to repot in balanced soil again.
I think I'll try that bird, you may be right about the lime.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
When I do dirt I never pour anything such as ferts and amendments directly on the main root of the plant. I pour it around the plant, about where I figure the outer roots of the plant would be etc. The outer roots on your plants may be strecthing 3"-5" I could only estimate.
I've had my seedlings about ten inches under a 400w mh and they're only three weeks old. As long as you keep the temp down I wouldn't mess with the light, maybe even move it closer. I think bird is right too, just get that soil balanced and she'll be much happier


Well-Known Member
I decided to move her out of the veg tent, put her under a single CFL, did a total transplant into a new batch of soil, same stuff ( its all I got right now) . I'm sure not crazy about this Roots 707 they talked me into. I knew it retained water but it doesnt drain worth a shit thats for sure.
Thanks guys and a pleasure to make your acquaintance !


New Member
I think bird is on to something with the lime. I would have to say keep an eye on your ph when it get out of whack the leafs can get all twisted up or spotty.


New Member
have you checked out the sannie seeds forum? they have their own forum and teach you how to grow their plants. killing fields is a sannies brand


Well-Known Member
your 400 watt will be fine with your seedling. i use the same thing with a fan blowing right under the light and it keeps the temps up top nice and cool and allows me to keep my seedlings about a foot from the light. could probably even be closer


Well-Known Member
your 400 watt will be fine with your seedling. i use the same thing with a fan blowing right under the light and it keeps the temps up top nice and cool and allows me to keep my seedlings about a foot from the light. could probably even be closer
Thats interesting, I was afraid maybe it was the light scorching her that gave her that frail appearance. I would like to get her back under that light SAP as they all do the best vegging under it. Mines glass covered with 2 small fans running alternately in the tent to keep the temp down as best I can.


Well-Known Member
have you checked out the sannie seeds forum? they have their own forum and teach you how to grow their plants. killing fields is a sannies brand
Funny, I bought from Sannie twice now and never did take notice to the forums there !
Thanx, I'll check it out


From the picture it looks frosty a bit. To me it looks like stunted growth due to spider mites. Hard to tell tho from a photo. I find young plants infested give off that gangly look.


Well-Known Member
From the picture it looks frosty a bit. To me it looks like stunted growth due to spider mites. Hard to tell tho from a photo. I find young plants infested give off that gangly look.
"Gangly" Thats the word I was looking for to describe her. Thanks :)

No sign of spider mites BTW thank god for that.!


Well-Known Member
have you checked out the sannie seeds forum? they have their own forum and teach you how to grow their plants. killing fields is a sannies brand
Yeah, I took your advice and wondered why I didnt think of that. Trouble is, its over a week now since I tried to register there andd its one of those message boards a moderator or somebody has to approve. ...And I'm still waiting. Theres a lot of good info there on Sannie specific strains but its frustrating the hell outta me that it wont let me post and ask a few questions about it.
Meanwhile, she's still growing but still looks just as gangly as heck. I've been thinking about putting her into LST to strengthen her new growth but I dont know if she'll survive through it. Shes still kinda like in an ICU unit so to speak :)