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  1. J

    Swiss Cheese and Ak-48 Cabinet CFL Grow.

    The one did end up dying, but the rest seem to be doing just fine. I've been putting a little of Fox Farm's Grow Big product in the water, and I have their flowering formula as well. I'm not sure when I should add that in though. I removed the hydro box from it's previous book elevation, so I...
  2. J

    Swiss Cheese and Ak-48 Cabinet CFL Grow.

    Woops, well should I take the string off then? Here is an update. The limp plant may be dead, I gave it some water to see if it would perk up in the next 24 hours. It never rooted and I was gone for the past two days, so it took some damage.
  3. J

    Swiss Cheese and Ak-48 Cabinet CFL Grow.

    My LST method is kinda rough at the moment; I'll work on improving it.
  4. J

    Swiss Cheese and Ak-48 Cabinet CFL Grow.

    Alright I guess I'll try and LST 'em, and the lights are probably about 3 inches away.
  5. J

    Swiss Cheese and Ak-48 Cabinet CFL Grow.

    Oh and I heard topping the plants can kind of traumatize them and stunt them a little bit, is that true? I'm leaving at the end of June, so I don't want to slow anything down.
  6. J

    Swiss Cheese and Ak-48 Cabinet CFL Grow.

    One of my plants is getting really tall, I tried moving the plants closer to the lights to reduce stretch-age. Is this normal?
  7. J

    Swiss Cheese and Ak-48 Cabinet CFL Grow.

    Thanks man. I'll remove the plugs then. Also how often do I need to change the water? The cab is about 29 inches. I've started them with 12/12, because I have so little space. I've been thinking about scrog-ing them, do you think that'd be better with the space I have?
  8. J

    First grow...

    I've started a grow journal, but I thought I'd look for some feedback. Here is my setup and plants: Any comments are appreciated, thanks (:
  9. J

    Swiss Cheese and Ak-48 Cabinet CFL Grow.

    Here are some pictures using a better camera. I'm not sure whether the plugs are necessary, but right now they are only on the Swiss Cheese. If you know whether I need to use them or not feel free to comment.
  10. J

    Swiss Cheese and Ak-48 Cabinet CFL Grow.

    So this is my first grow and I'm growing two Swiss Cheese and two Ak-48, and each CFL in the cabinet is 20 watts. I'm using the Deep Water Culture system. Also I don't have an outtake fan yet, but I do have a carbon filter which I intend to connect it to once I get one. The close up pictures of...
  11. J

    Cabinet grow box setup...

    Alright 12/12 it is. I'm gonna stop posting on here and start a Grow Journal. I actually have four plants going right now, but I'll guess I'll have to remove one, I don't know. I appreciate the input.
  12. J

    Cabinet grow box setup...

    Well I actually did end up finding some right spectrum ones at a big electro store. There are no Walmarts here, but I picked up some 20 watt veg lights. Thanks.
  13. J

    Cabinet grow box setup...

    Yeah, I'm planning on using it for veg and flower. Do you think it'd be wise to ScrOG it to maximize horizontal space, or just leave it? I'll look for Y splitters and more bulbs. Thanks (: Added: Also, the veg bulbs I have I had to order online as bulbs in that spectrum are rarely sold where I...
  14. J

    Cabinet grow box setup...

    I wasn't sure whether to post this in the Newbie board because this is my first attempt at growing, or post it here in the Design & Setup. I'm just looking for someone to evaluate what I've got so far. I have three 42-watt CFLs in there right now. I have five 30 watts for flowering. I still...