Swiss Cheese and Ak-48 Cabinet CFL Grow.


So this is my first grow and I'm growing two Swiss Cheese and two Ak-48, and each CFL in the cabinet is 20 watts. I'm using the Deep Water Culture system. Also I don't have an outtake fan yet, but I do have a carbon filter which I intend to connect it to once I get one. The close up pictures of the plants are really shitty, but I'll work on updating with a better camera soon. Thanks for checkin' this out and I appreciate any feedback (:



Active Member
Good looking grow cab... I don't think you really need those plugs because the rockwool seems to keep most of the light out of the res anyways.

How tall is your cab? looks like you'll need to keep your plants very short or you could scrog them:)



Thanks man. I'll remove the plugs then. Also how often do I need to change the water?
The cab is about 29 inches. I've started them with 12/12, because I have so little space. I've been thinking about scrog-ing them, do you think that'd be better with the space I have?


Active Member
I think your supposed to change the res every week. Well, you can probably just LST or top them since they are 12/12 from seed if they start to get to big:)


Oh and I heard topping the plants can kind of traumatize them and stunt them a little bit, is that true? I'm leaving at the end of June, so I don't want to slow anything down.


Active Member
Topping will slow them down for a couple of days, so if you dont wanna deal with that than just LST them:) and how far are your lights from the stretched plants?


Active Member
You don't have to LST this early, I usually start at the 3rd or 4th node. OR, if you want, you can let them grow naturally untill they start to out-grow your cab, then start tying them down little by little.


The one did end up dying, but the rest seem to be doing just fine. I've been putting a little of Fox Farm's Grow Big product in the water, and I have their flowering formula as well. I'm not sure when I should add that in though. I removed the hydro box from it's previous book elevation, so I could put on the other lights. I haven't tied down anything new, but I'm not sure if I need to yet. I started this during spring break so I suppose it's been about 4 or 5 weeks.

