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    Yellowing leaves in flower...whats the real harm?

    This seems too be a touchy subject on this forum, Some belive its completly normal for leaves to yellow and begin to fall after week 4,5,6 depending on strain. Some just simply cut the fan leaves off stating air flow. "But if you dont have Humidity issues and dont over water air flow...
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    Help Identifying the problem

    GOt a update? I think Plants eating themselves is a fair statment, Thats what they are doing, In fact im battling that right now and considering a bit of N to counter it if it aint too late. Some people just have too much time on their hands and need to troll to make them selves feel good I...
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    Frustrsating Germination PROBLEMS! :(

    think drinking from a cup with a really tall skinny straw out of really big cup.
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    Help Identifying the problem

    Dont belive in a "ph issue" persay (ph is a side effect not a cause) I bet this shit would grow in battery acid if you let it, :D but you understood what I was saying. I had what looks to be the same problem at week 5 in FFOF and a little cal/mag went along way. those pics whre the beginning of...
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    Frustrsating Germination PROBLEMS! :(

    How would you feel if you had to drink a 44 oz Big Gulp through a coffe straw? You know what I mean?
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    Too Nitrogen or not to nitrogen that is the question.

    Sorry but pic is sideways. (on another note does anyone have link to uncle bens ph soil thread. I really want to read it, and cant seem to find it.) Heres a Pic Soaking up all the advise keep it coming, Planning on adding a tsp of 12-6-6 next feed to boost nitrogen. I keep reading that N...
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    Too Nitrogen or not to nitrogen that is the question.

    2.5 months or so guessing, Not as bad as it sounds. veg for 4 weeks at 7 inches I put into flower, shes about 20 inches now. I have a pic but still looking for stupid usb cord.
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    Too Nitrogen or not to nitrogen that is the question.

    Agree I think ph in soil is one of the most bs things but when I start seeing roots out the bottom of bucket I start to check but a good soil and plenty of it will buff the ph its self no checking needed. I take ph so seriously my meter was 5 dollars from home depot. Got a link to uncle bens...
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    Too Nitrogen or not to nitrogen that is the question.

    Here is a chart I use for lock out. Is it wrong?
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    Too Nitrogen or not to nitrogen that is the question.

    cal/mag lock out at 7.0??? in soil??? you sure?
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    Frustrsating Germination PROBLEMS! :(

    I dont know never used paper towles too start. Just the way I do it not saying its THE way but I never have problems 9 oz red party cup Good soil Foxfarms Ocean Forest 1 sandwich size zip lock bag Drill 9 holes in side of cup and 4 large ones in bottom of cup. Fill with soil. Soak with...
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    Too Nitrogen or not to nitrogen that is the question.

    So do you think the 5-10-10 is not enough? and next water add say a tsp of 12-6-6 ? or do it now to stop yellowing, just had a clean watering just last night or night before. Thanks for quick answer
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    Too Nitrogen or not to nitrogen that is the question.

    Quick question and some advise would be awsome. Im halfway through 4th week of flower and it seems my bottom 2 nodes are showing N Def. on fan leafs Yellow/Green I know im probally a bit root-bound as im in a 1.5 gal pot. (space limited) I am feeding old age bloom belive its 5-10-10 she got...
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    Help Identifying the problem

    It kinda looks like a cal/mag issue just my poinion but your ph levels would suggest that as well. Ph seems a littile low for soil . Some say 6.5 is ideal which every one grows their own way and there really is no wrong way as long as the plants don't die. Im supprised you got fox farms that...
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    I Need Help With My Babies..

    Do you have a grow store in your city? If so stop in and say hi. They will likley be more than willing to help. If your not in a cannabis friendly area than do some research. here is a free lead. "Different strains will react differently depending on the brand of soil. For instance...
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    I Need Help With My Babies..

    Im not sure how your going to deal with all that strech, You need the cfl way closer than 10 inches. More like 3 or 4 inches. It will not burn unless touchingng the plant directly, (Promise) Might even considder going to a bigger pot and covering more of your stem and get a fan on it. Start it...
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    I Need Help With My Babies..

    YOu meant 5th day Right?
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    I Need Help With My Babies..

    No nutes for at least 3 or 4 weeks, You need to bring your light down or raise those girls up. They are way streched out. With a stem that thin time will only tell. you could use scotch tape and then tie back to strw. Saying you just bent it too far and it did not break in half. If you...
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    need some advice with 6 day old plants

    No nutes for atleast 3 or 4 weeks depending on soil being used. Like above just water and water once a week or so.
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    Slightly worried maybe paranoid, Pest or Def.

    Ok I went and found a 14x light and no signs of bugs. I would imagine they would be really noticable. They really needed water today so they got it and recived nutes for the first time with some cal/mag. Im still not sure what would cause those spots Center leaves picture #1. It...