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  1. kukooi

    posting pics of my stealth grow

    nice plant man what strain is that?
  2. kukooi

    Producing extra THC

    no clue yet haha i got them from a danq headies sack. there was three seeds in the ounce so i hope its not going to be a hermie plants.
  3. kukooi

    Producing extra THC

    hell ya man. i've read somewhere that people use those lights for only like 2 hours in the middle of the light cycle to mimic the high uv rays that the sun puts out in the middle of the day.
  4. kukooi

    First CFL Grow Piako Poison

    although you should try to keep it in the box as often as possible so it can get used to the envirenment. you know what i mean?
  5. kukooi

    First CFL Grow Piako Poison

    ya man that would be good. unless its a drastic change in temperature or humidity and its a bright sunny day=p
  6. kukooi

    First CFL Grow - Help appreciated

    dam those plants look good. i like your light set up how they hang vertically so you get the maximum efficiency out of them.
  7. kukooi

    Producing extra THC

    be careful though man those uvb bulbs are strong. they can burn your plants quite easily expecially in a small area. i think of them as like an add on you know. like those crazy bloom boosters and stuff, could work in the right hands but in the wrong could be devastating.
  8. kukooi

    2 quick questions!! Please reply!!

    hell ya man. cfls lose there lumens quick so always get em as close as you can. bongsmilie
  9. kukooi

    What strain for my grow

    have you considered an early flowering strain like early girl or top 44? they finish quick and low. you have enough room in there though if you train it you can grow any strain you want=p
  10. kukooi

    2 quick questions!! Please reply!!

    the closer the cfl is to foliage the better your yeild will be. so just try and get them as close as possible without having heat issues.
  11. kukooi

    2 quick questions!! Please reply!!

    looks like enough light to me. haha my bad about the soil. saw that claw and pebbles and was like dang he just get that out of his yard=p i've seen it too many times and it bugs me haha.
  12. kukooi

    First CFL Grow Piako Poison

    haha im always about old family secrets. i've never seen those surface soak type. i've always just used water soluble stuff and mix some of that in when i water. usually like 1/4 of the recommended dose though. if i were you i would get something like that because you can regulate your feeding...
  13. kukooi

    speaker micro gro..

    oh and so people know I've had two successful grows out of this box;first time got 6 grams dry second i got a little over a half o. both with different setups.
  14. kukooi

    speaker micro gro..

    the first two pics in my last post should explain that. i put that board on before the mesh. works like a charm and acts as my intake.
  15. kukooi

    speaker micro gro..

    haha ya i taped up the port in the back. it was my old intake but it was too close to my exhaust so i moved my intake to the front.
  16. kukooi

    speaker micro gro..

    i know man i just like to think a little bit ahead so i wont have problems in the future you know? i guess its always best to learn from one's mistakes than others. like they say.
  17. kukooi

    First CFL Grow Piako Poison

    what kind of soil you using man?
  18. kukooi

    First CFL Grow Piako Poison

    hey man nice grow. ya i usually start lst when i get to like the 4th node but i've seen people do it earlier. i'm not very expierenced with cloning cant help u out with that one. if i were u i would get a fertilzer with a high n content or any all purpose fertilizer like 20-20-20. i prefer to...
  19. kukooi

    2 quick questions!! Please reply!!

    i would get it in some better soil if i were you that looks like straight dirt.. idk though im no expert. but they look good to me=) let em grow
  20. kukooi

    speaker micro gro..

    a question i have is i was going to get some perlite to mix in with my soil but all i can find is miracle grow perlite and its enriched with nutrients. So i was wondering if anyone has used this perlite with no problems with ph fluctuation and nut. deficiencies.