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  1. Charlie Green

    check out my guard frog

    This really great! you should get some place for them and when you finish up put them in to frozen :) when the next grow start you can wake them up again to the garden of eve :D Imagine to be god :D
  2. Charlie Green

    Best way starting seeds in rockwool?

    You are ture grower! that is the way to go! but right now im searching the best method EVER! i need the best rate for the old special seeds! So maybe this question is right way: How to wake up old seeds! ;)
  3. Charlie Green

    Best way starting seeds in rockwool?

    Actually the extrawork is for not losing rockwools. I know i'd do that but some of the seeds fail and then i need more rockwools. :)
  4. Charlie Green

    Best way starting seeds in rockwool?

    Yeah i'll stay with the paper and saucers :D Last time i did the shotglass thing i lost all my seeds :/
  5. Charlie Green

    Best way starting seeds in rockwool?

    Well i putted them in wet toilet paper and inside 2 saucers holding them locked inside. I didnt soak it with water i just made the paper wet. Now im waiting them to crack that shell open, then i will fast plant them into rockwool carefully (becouse later when the root is too long its more danger...
  6. Charlie Green

    Best way starting seeds in rockwool?

    I dont understand what you are saying? dont or ?
  7. Charlie Green

    Best way starting seeds in rockwool?

    Hi mates! Hey i really do need a BEST advice how to start my uniq seeds in high success rate! Some of my seeds may be damaged over years, but i need to try to save them! Strains, Whitewidow x Euforia x "Mindfuck". Ghost of Ghana 100% equatorial sativa. (special). Food of Gods secret strain...
  8. Charlie Green

    Silent Growroom Duct fan & Dimmer 20W

    I need help from some electric guy. So im building super silent grow setup and i put on a dimmer to that duct fan to be able change the speed and noise of the fan. So i managed to got a dimmer with 60W-300W range and my ductfan is 20W. So my question is: Is that dimmer not suitable for that...
  9. Charlie Green

    whats your favorite music to listen to when you toke ? and enjoy
  10. Charlie Green

    155mm cooltube vent question

    Is it possible to put carbon filter straight top to the cooltube for outtake
  11. Charlie Green

    *Blue velvet/ euhporia, good for inside growing?

    euforia is great... has no smell... good yield... awsome high... its more like sativa, but fast flowering... only 6 weeks.
  12. Charlie Green

    Low Odor Strains?

    1 word... EUFORIA... best strain... no smell at all... smells only when its cured and broke to half... :) nice sweer sitrus smell... and very strong.. but otherwise it wont smell veg and flower at all... i recommend 100% great yield, great high... good for apartment grows.
  13. Charlie Green

    Now listen up all the hippies and Al-gore fans.

    PolarBear actually means good swimmer.. :) the name....
  14. Charlie Green

    Now listen up all the hippies and Al-gore fans.

    Climate Change is a HOAX! Please share this video with all of your friends! :leaf:
  15. Charlie Green

    Weight adding ideas

    if you want to add weight... then sell it before its too dry...
  16. Charlie Green

    120w LED lights

    Maybe using 300w LEDs that 12k lumens allrdy... and maybe drop some cfl's for white light... maybe it can work out great?
  17. Charlie Green

    120w LED lights

    well i dont know, witch one is better... 600w led or 600w HPS
  18. Charlie Green

    120w LED lights

    But there is alot of 120 degree light beam spots..... im talking about more advance led lights with heghpower 1W leds spot lights with 45-60 degree light beam spots... with 5-band spectrums... Red,blue,orange,green and infrared... anyone have experience of these lights?
  19. Charlie Green

    120w LED lights

    I cant belive why there is no good threads about LED growing results...