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  1. B

    Choosing a light for my clone box

    Hi, I'm making a clone box from a Sterilite tote and instead of CFL's I'm going with household LED's for better efficiency. I'm stuck between these two lights: 2x Cree 9W 5000K with bulbs off, and Y-splitter in an 8 1/2" or 10 1/2" reflector 18W 1600+ lumens, non-directional about $37 for 2...
  2. B

    First grow, plants died overnight!

    A week ago, I noticed a weird-looking leaf that looked more diseased than dying off naturally. I didn't think much of it because it was just one lower leaf. Yesterday my plants were still looking OK. This morning one of them just looks completely wilted and dying. Leaves start having...
  3. B

    Shriveling leaf tip, diseased?

    I have 2 plants, 3 weeks from seed, and there's this one lower leaf that has a dried up yellow-green tip. It doesn't look like it's dying off naturally, almost like a disease creeping up. Other parts of the plant look pretty much healthy. Should I cut it off? Here's a wider shot. They're in...
  4. B

    Germinated seeds not sprouting in soil

    Hi all, it's been 6 days since I put my seeds in soil and they haven't sprouted yet. This is making me really anxious because it's my first grow and it may be over before it started. I germinated 2 seeds on wet paper towels until the taproots were about 1/4" long, then planted them root down...