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  1. pleasureplex

    Oxyclone problems... :-/ Guidance Appreciated

    Anyone have any advce? Scrapped the clones that were in my oxycloner after the stems started developing a severe coating of the slime. Am currently running a 10% bleach solution through the system for the next 24 hours...
  2. pleasureplex

    Can foilar feeding stain trichomes? I have LOTS of brown trichomes at 6 weeks.

    Their is a difference between rain and foliar fed fertilizer... But at least you understand the risks you are taking. Cheers.
  3. pleasureplex

    Is this Over ferilizing, PH or Both (with pics)

    Aside from your issue, leave your leaves on! Let it suck the rest of the nutrients that it can out of it before you take it off, unless you can justify the increased light penetration in your canopy.
  4. pleasureplex

    first time grower needs help!

    This is just my noob opinion but to me it looks like a deficiency. I feel your best bet to fix the problem easily would be to transplant them up into bigger containers. How long have they been in the 1 gal containers? Also on a side note try to lower your humidity at night 85% is pretty high...
  5. pleasureplex

    Oxyclone problems... :-/ Guidance Appreciated

    Alright well I just double checked, and it looks like I have one clearish whispy root starting to pop out of one of them on day 14 in the cloner. Does anyone know by chance what causes the clearish smaller roots, over the thick white roots?
  6. pleasureplex

    Nanners happen...

    Granddaddy P would be some great seeds to have on hand! Thanks for reminding me to spray them down Greylord. Cheers!
  7. pleasureplex

    Nanners happen...

    Ya I was amazed at how small it was, I think I have spotted a few more developing but they haven't pushed out yet. I also see bunch of the places on some of my plants that the calyxes have started turning in to small balls, I am assuming this is where the seeds are developing. I am at day 53...
  8. pleasureplex

    Nanners happen...

    ~Sorry for the blurry pics. ~ Bummer... Just found a seed and then a friggin' nanner on one of my girls... :-/ It is smaller than a grain of rice. I haven't found anymore but I'll keep a lookout in the next couple days. I'm just gonna keep on as normal, there's nothing I can do at this point...
  9. pleasureplex

    Can foilar feeding stain trichomes? I have LOTS of brown trichomes at 6 weeks.

    Don't foliar feed in flower, maybe during your transitional week, but not during bloom.
  10. pleasureplex

    Oxyclone problems... :-/ Guidance Appreciated

    Her RIU, I was hoping to get some guidance on some issues I am having. When I purchased my Oxyclone-20 I had a %100 success rate. I was impressed I had huge white roots in a week. I used tap water that I let bubble in the cloner for 24 hours, I added 10ml of Rapid Start and 5 ml of Superthrive...
  11. pleasureplex

    Help! Plants are drooping... :-/

    Alright folks, here is the most recent pic.
  12. pleasureplex

    Help! Plants are drooping... :-/

    No I havn't been I was told if I used the filtered water I would be alright... I purchased the clones from a dispensary. The clones are rooted in the rock wool yes, as far as the dirt I am assuming so because of the nutrient burn... I'm still a noob though. I can Temp currently is 75 degrees...
  13. pleasureplex

    Help! Plants are drooping... :-/

    Okay guys I don't know if that was the problem... I came back today to check on them after not watering them last, night and they are all severely wilted with a lot of nutrient burn. I received one strong clone out of the 8 and that one is still looking okay very mildly droopy no nutrient burn...
  14. pleasureplex

    Help! Plants are drooping... :-/

    Thank you for your greetings, I have trolled the forum in past years but never had a reason to post. :-) Glad to finally be here!!! Alright I ordered the 4-way meter, and will will skip watering them for the next 2 days. Thanks for the info Taobert. The reason I am using the filtered water is...
  15. pleasureplex

    Help! Plants are drooping... :-/

    The soil they are in is Fox Farm Ocean Forest fresh out of the bag. I have been watering them with the filtered water. Day 1 =100ml Day 2 = 100 ml Day 3 = 25 ml Today 50 ml. I was told to water them 100 ml a day, but the soil hasn't still been feeling damp the next day so I scaled it back a...
  16. pleasureplex

    Help! Plants are drooping... :-/

    Hello everyone, I am a new grower and was recently having a problem. I recently purchased 8 clones and within the last couple of days 2 of these clones have been kind of "sulking." I was hoping someone could give me some guidance on what I could possibly do to fix the issue. I have a couple of...