Help! Plants are drooping... :-/


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am a new grower and was recently having a problem. I recently purchased 8 clones and within the last couple of days 2 of these clones have been kind of "sulking." I was hoping someone could give me some guidance on what I could possibly do to fix the issue. I have a couple of ideas as to what might be the problem but am not fully sure. I will attach a couple of pictures to help.

Your help is greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
have u tested the ph of the soil

it looks like u are getting nutreint burn on that one that got it pic taken

1 ph in soil is off
2 nutrenit burn combined with lockout
3 over watering pour draining

soil ph .........?
water or nutrients......?
how much water and when/how offen ...............?
what is the strain auto/photo .................?


New Member
The soil they are in is Fox Farm Ocean Forest fresh out of the bag. I have been watering them with the filtered water. Day 1 =100ml Day 2 = 100 ml Day 3 = 25 ml Today 50 ml. I was told to water them 100 ml a day, but the soil hasn't still been feeling damp the next day so I scaled it back a little the last couple days. I have been watering them once a day. The strain is Platinum Skunk - photo.


Well-Known Member
ok the watering thing is a hit and miss...........u can not feel/see the water in the middle or at the bottom

invest in one of these or a local shop should have one i am using this as a what to look for

this will let u test the ph of your soil .......along with test the water lvl lower in the soil .... test the light lvl they are getting ..test the soil temp aka root temps

from the sound of it u have a water issuse .......... try not giving water for 2 days .........use this pic u have now .............if there is to much water the plant will use what is in there and then start to perk up since not drowning.....if to little it will drop more ..................but get yourself a metter best 20 bucks u spend


Active Member
Less water. The Rockwool will hold a ton. Looks droopy from over water. I start exactly like that but water to the outside of the cubes and MAYBE every third day. The soil you are using is great but most say it is a little hot and can be tough on small plants. If you can check your PH of the water you are using. Adjust it down to about 6.3 give or take. I have been using 7ml of white vinegar per gallon..(yes two measurents) ;-) And don't start pouring fertilizers on there either. The FF will suport those just fine for a while.


New Member
I find the plant responds best when you wait 2 and sometimes 3 days before watering depending, and then water it thoroughly. You can also use tap water with a splash of lemon or PH down solution since they tend to be a little high on PH. You can also leave the water sitting 24 hrs prior to using. I use PH test indicator (general hydroponics) drops and continually check my water PH level- oddly enough every so often the PH from the tap shoots up and I have to adjust it. The more knowledge you have the better off you are and instead of wasting 99 cents for every gallon of distilled water you purchase, just get these drops and use tap water.


New Member
Thank you for your greetings, I have trolled the forum in past years but never had a reason to post. :-) Glad to finally be here!!!

Alright I ordered the 4-way meter, and will will skip watering them for the next 2 days.

Thanks for the info Taobert. The reason I am using the filtered water is because I was advised to keep chlorine out of my plants water supply by the guy at my local hydro supply store. I know I can adjust the PH of the tap water, but does that do anything to remove or neutralize the chlorine in our tap water?

Thanks again for the help folks!


New Member
Well that's the idea of leaving it sitting 24 hours- so the chlorine evaporates- I think that is safest practice but if you don't want to risk it during this early stage and want a little peace of mind that's fine. I think a gallon or two of distilled will last a long time considering the size of the plant. Your post is useful to me because although I don't do the 24 hr method myself, I think I'm going to start to. Where you live is probably a factor as well with how much chlorine they have to add to water.


Active Member
Something to think about also, water only when needed. Watering schedules are great, but they are usually established by the plant. Your pots will feel noticably lighter when they are ready to be watered. Break the crust a little before watering and then do it slowly to allow even penetration. It may be 3 days or more before they dry out. Don't be afraid to mist them after they dry out a bit.. point being that the root systems might be stressed and by misting you can slowly introduce water back until the plant gets healthy again. It is easy to love them to death.


Well-Known Member
will will skip watering them for the next 2 days.
Skip watering until the pot is much lighter to lift, they shouldn't be watered daily at this size and having issues.


New Member
Okay guys I don't know if that was the problem... I came back today to check on them after not watering them last, night and they are all severely wilted with a lot of nutrient burn. I received one strong clone out of the 8 and that one is still looking okay very mildly droopy no nutrient burn really. The others however aren't looking so good, and I am thinking that maybe half of them are gonna die. Luckily my little 4 way test meter came today, and it was saying my soil was really dry, so I watered them 50 ml and then 25 ml about 4 hours later and misted them. I'm not sure what more to do from here. Any guidance might help. I will try to post a couple pictures in the morning. :)


Well-Known Member
Have you been PHing your water? I missed where you said you have. Did you put the clones in the rockwool? Did you or who ever gave it to you PH the rockwool before sticking the clone into it? Stupid question, but is the clone rooted? What are your temperatures like? It might be too late to save... I don't know..


New Member
No I havn't been I was told if I used the filtered water I would be alright... I purchased the clones from a dispensary. The clones are rooted in the rock wool yes, as far as the dirt I am assuming so because of the nutrient burn... I'm still a noob though. I can Temp currently is 75 degrees with 55% humidity. I just got the exhaust fan installed last night though so the environment hadn't been as stable before then. Soil Ph is at 7.0. Thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
oh my god ...................i am sorry buddy

the only idea i have .................take one of those plants and flush it completley out ..........take a blade and poke holes in the bottom of one of the container and see if water is stored inside( after u make the hole take a bong poker and poke around while tipped to the side....if there is water this will break up the block and pour out ) .............after that take that one and flush the soil out distilled water (ppm is 0 ph is 6)

if there is water in the bottom it will drain out and u know that is the issuse ..........poke holes in all of them.......your soil has to much clay peat moss prue dirt/not enough drain

if after the flushing it looks better........the soil is off and they need to be all flushed out......the meter gets there test the soil but the flush should take it to 6.o if u have micro buddies in there it might take it to 7 ......6.5 to 6.3 is the perfect 6 to 7 is the normal range for us noobies to get a safe yeild

last option..........go gorilla take one or 2 of those plants and move it to outside in the soil(as in earth not your soil mix in a outside hole ) might save them and if they do go off ( off as in boom growth) u know the soil mix is way off