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  1. Ditch69

    can i make cannabutter from leaf trim ?

    Absolutely all the sweet leaf you trim off is awesome for butter or oil. You can use the stems too chop em up good and add em too the trim. Good luck I make oil it last longer in storage....Just sayin
  2. Ditch69

    Trimming ?s

    Where is the search function ?
  3. Ditch69

    Trimming ?s

    So I have 4 plants growing this is only my second grow and my (problem ?) is that my plants are getting really big and bushy. None of the plants from my first grow got very bushy so I didn't have this issue before. One of my buddies that also grows says to cut back the canopy to allow light to...
  4. Ditch69

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Always wanted to name my own strain.....Blow Job Kush....Because with the price of kind bud every time you open the bag to grab a piece a genie should jump out and blow you....LOL....So when is your old lady due?
  5. Ditch69

    Super Noob Need help first grow

    Not for nothing but if your brother is getting a Lb. off 2 plants he must be doing something right .....Just sayin
  6. Ditch69

    First time grower. Long time stalker... Advise?

    Just wanted to say as far as a tent go's yeah they are nice but......I am on my third grow and have had no problems I grow in my shed. I have a 1000 watt cool tube and an adj electronic ballast ( I usually go 500 all through veg and switch to 1000 when I go to 12/12) As far as soil it is...
  7. Ditch69

    Newbie question about flowering

    The reason the leaves are turning yellow is because the plant is taking all the food for the buds which it is supposed too. And really take your time drying and curing you don't want to invest all this time and screw yourself by rushing the most important steps. I am only on my third grow but...
  8. Ditch69

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Congrats on your son I have a 6 yr old boy ...he is Awesome! As far as the light I never heard of doing 12/12 from seedlings I do a lot of cloning and once they hit soil it is 18/6....but to each his own. I am looking for a much higher yield per plant. I don't switch until mine hit min of 2 feet.
  9. Ditch69

    Adjustng PH

    Was wondering if anyone has any natural ways of adjusting PH I need to be about 6.4 my water out of the tap is 6 - 6.1 but after adding my nutes it drops down to 5. I know their are lots of things you can by but was hoping I would have something around the house I could use.....thanks for any...
  10. Ditch69


    Got myself some Gnat nix from a company called growstone.....100% natural all recycled glass worked AWESOME I highly recommend it . And it was not very expensive 1 bag did all seven of my plants with some left over and it is reusable
  11. Ditch69


    So How can I tell the difference between gnats and root aphids?
  12. Ditch69


    I am on my 18th day of flowering and all of a sudden there are little bugs.... look like gnats. Was never a problem I had noticed before this and they are just down around the soil. They don't seem to be going near the plants at all but this is my first grow and want to know what to use to get...
  13. Ditch69

    Has anyone ever been raided.

    I now live in a medical state and I am allowed to grow up to twelve plants....But in not so recent past before my state came out of the stone age I was raided (had a cheese eating little rat do a controlled buy)When they came I was dirty they got me with 7 1/2 lbs and $18,000 in cash:cuss:(Jail...
  14. Ditch69

    A simple easy to follow grow bible for good results with dirt

    Thanks there is a lot of good info....wish it would let me print it
  15. Ditch69

    Last Disability appeal - would love honest work as grower when i relocate, HELP ME.

    Funduex good luck Bro .....It took me 3 yrs to get my s.s. disability (and in that time I saw tons of people get it that were faking) Don't give up they make you jump through hoops so you will quit and go back to work .....Sucks but DONT GIVE UP!! Good Luck Stay STRONG! Good luck in Cali also
  16. Ditch69

    A Stupid question

    They actually grew 2 inches in the last week or so.....Didn't do anything different ...LOL....I still have 1 of my first 5 that is 0nly 6 inches or so its 9 weeks old very pretty gonna turn her into my mother plant. Keep her small with a lot of shoots
  17. Ditch69

    A Stupid question

    Raeofsun here is a few pics
  18. Ditch69

    A Stupid question

    I use Clonex rooting gel and the plants rooted fine ....just stabbing at the reason they are not getting any bigger. As I said the others are almost double the size but r a diff strain.... will just wait a little longer and then they will go into flower if they stretch and double in size they...
  19. Ditch69

    A Stupid question

    I am using Jiffy pellets to clone with....Have had great luck with them so far (went 5-5 first round) however all of the plants are small wont get bigger than 13 inches or so. They look great but they just wont get bigger have two others from a different source and they are 28 inches or...
  20. Ditch69

    New grower with afew ?s

    Slow and steady wanted to show you a few pics too see what you think.....