Last Disability appeal - would love honest work as grower when i relocate, HELP ME.


Alright people this is the deal. I'm going to be relocating to Cali whether I win my 3rd appeal or not in 2 months. 6 year process denied each time. I want to be able to provide people with medicine and be able to grow my own in peace under a mentor while learning all i can.

I have been researching for 2 years and have found many posts and videos that warn newcomers about coming to Cali. Well I want as smooth a transition as possible, and be productive ASAP.

What I would love is a place where i can grow and live as I get acclimated to the area, preferably the Santa Cruz area. If I could also receive a minimum wage pay that would be great.

Any ideas or recommendations are welcome, please hit the thread or pm me.

Thank you for your time and assistance.



Thanks for the good vibez smokey really appreciate it. I'm really hoping to hear something before or around my court date cuz I wanna be out of here asap. My whole situation I believe is really wearing down my normally positive disposition. I cant wait for the change in scenery--I cant wait. Nobody here believes I'm sincere, I just wish I could strap this hip to some one for a week and let'em see what it feels like then i bet people would take me serious--sorry for ranting. felt good tho



Funduex good luck Bro .....It took me 3 yrs to get my s.s. disability (and in that time I saw tons of people get it that were faking) Don't give up they make you jump through hoops so you will quit and go back to work .....Sucks but DONT GIVE UP!! Good Luck Stay STRONG! Good luck in Cali also


Well-Known Member
Knowing both growers and users in Cali, I would recommend that you do some research to dig up names to try to understand the culture(s) of the people living near where you want to go.

Identify dispensaries... they are very, very knowledgeable of the local scene; large-scale operations that they buy from, as well as the underground street scene. Start working your way to earning respect of a couple dispensary staff, then up to owners and go from there.

Last thing you want to do (in ANY area, not just cali) is step on toes when you land on the ground. If you can prove you've done your research to the best of your ability, it sometimes works out that you might find someone who will help you ease through the transition. A friend growing weed is a friend indeed, especially in markets where legal meets the street.

High level contacts where there is a mutual respect is the best way to get started, as is always knowing your position on the ladder until you build your own cred.

HTH, and Best Wishes.


ps. Anyone in the hemp/cannabis arena are always willing to talk weed and culture, so even a phone call to ask questions at dispensaries will get you started. Through discussions, and if you know your shit and your place (as an outsider), you will build the trust I was speaking of, and people will then start naturally opening up to you. Culture is a huge thing (both the legal and illegal), so once you get past the basics about weed, ask about culture. State your (perhaps false) plans about moving to the area, and you're trying to better understand the cannabis culture of the area. Don't say you're going to grow yet. Share info about yourself. I know that when people ask me about the cultures and situations I've been in, I love to discuss it :)


Well-Known Member
Best wishes to you as well. One thing I do know is Cali is a HIGHLY saturated market when it comes to trying to make profit from growing. You may be able to land a couple of patients as a caregiver but thats not a very profitable business either with all the dispensaries in Cali who already have a huge patient customer base. Its going to be TOUGH trying to make money off growing in Cali, but if you get in with the right people, you could possible get the ball rolling at least. Just don't expect to be able to roll in there, start growing, and start selling your stuff to dispensaries and make a living. That band wagon has come and long gone in Cali. Bet of luck to you for sure, work really hard at it and maybe in time you can get your foot in the door.


Qwizo: Thats what everybody keeps telling me, but i don't want to get my hopes up. That's why i'm making plans as if i won't receive it.

Ditch: Damn 3 years, you got me jelly. Thank you for the good luck...I 'll take all i can get. A nurse told me the same thing you did bra..."don't give up...they are gonna make you jump thru some hoops". Word for word.

I have been going thru this mess for about 6 + years. On my second appeal they didn't even tell me i was denied until i harassed my lawyer in to checking on my situation. 8 month gap. After that I mentally tossed in the towel. I just filled out the massive amount of paperwork they sent me to get my case restarted due to there negligence and kept it moving(learning).

Spek: I don't mean to sound slow but when you say research names, can you elaborate on that?

Great advise on checking on dispensaries. In fact i have been doing just that thru weedmaps. I constantly bounce from weedmaps to budtrader and from that research i believe i can find a place somewhere in the Santa Cruz area providing inexpensive meds to the collective of my choice.

I want to help people that are in my same shoes, but that dont want to go thru all the learning i had to go thru. The REAL disabled.

Nuff respect Spek, i definitely think i can learn a few things from you.

Hank: Thanks for the good luck. I dont really want to make a ton of cash brother, i just want to be able to take care of myself and my situation as well as others in the same boat. All i need is someone to assist me in the transition. I believe i have tons of knowledge...i even have a preferred grow style and all.

Have you dealt with Cali yourself? I'd love to learn all i can before my transition.


C'mon ....I know there got to be someone who could use an experienced grower that wants to exchange his services for room and board plus introductions to cool people in the area. I'd hate to start from scratch. i wanna avoid as many of the pitfalls as possible.