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  1. jayz93gtz


    here are a few pics im about a week or so into the grow.waiting to find out if it's a male or female,shouldnt be but another week or so before i can tell right?sorry about the pics my camera is a real P.O.S!!!when should i put the fan on this???thx guys
  2. jayz93gtz

    First time set up?

    that looks like a good setup to me.keep us updated.
  3. jayz93gtz

    Way to water while gone for a day???

    fill a few milk jugs up and poke a few tiny holes
  4. jayz93gtz

    i just got my legal herbs in the mail

    lol i always knew that order chronic was a waste of time
  5. jayz93gtz

    Playing in the dirt

    dam dude.......thats a very impressive yield..great job!! i started mine a few days ago with some local seeds next time around i think im going to order some good seeds.
  6. jayz93gtz


    i dont have to have a grow box to grow just a efw plants right?a closet should suffice???of course id take the plants out and put them in the light next to an open window for a few hours so they get this ok or am i setting myself up for failure?:{
  7. jayz93gtz


    i have one saved that i looekd up the other day it was pretty helpfull i did browse the grow faqs quicklyi would judt liek to get some personal opinions as well.
  8. jayz93gtz


    ok im headed to the depot tomm to find my bulb,how far away from the plant should i keep the bulb im only starting one right now i know i should do a few to make shrue i get a female but i just wanan try my first one out and get the mistakes out of the way right off the bat.when should i start a...
  9. jayz93gtz


    first off hi everybodo y im new here and i have a few questions im trying to grow for my first time and im not shure of what kind of lights i should use?i dotn have a bunch of money to spend so i want to keep it simple and cost effective what do you suggest?ill get a pic up of my plan i just...