First time set up?


Well-Known Member
hey all some more pics for ya getting very crowded in my cab now cant wait to get rid of the males give the girls some room came home yesterday an they had grown about 2 inches and some of the leaves were touching the bulb an got burned i think they will be fine though @del not sure the size o the pots i know they take 2 litres of water each when watering

the last pic is 3 males(i think) and the second last pic is of inside my envirolite.the very bottom leaves seem to be dyin they just come off when you touch them?


Well-Known Member
they are looking really nice m8, reckon they r 7 inc-18 cm, should b stamped on the bottom, just helps me get picture of how big plant are, great job.


Well-Known Member
the biggest is 21 inches del boy

(does that guy on your journal really believe thats a real picture) its funny shit man


Well-Known Member
he doesnt think it now m8, well i hope not cause ive been dropping some mega hint to him. took a while but i think he gets it. you know he started his own thread about it. what next hmmmmmm, going to get hard for you now ,lots of wating and anticipating.


Well-Known Member
i stated watering them with nutes every second watering but this time i just skipped the plain water and used the nutes and the plants are fine is this ok

haze grower

Active Member
hey wat up my plants r haze nd ur plant lokks alot like mine i dunno tho its nice nd healthy nd growing nice keep it up bro



Well-Known Member
hey haze man that picture is a plant from bagseed iv no idea what strain but i got it in a bag o weed in amsterdam


Well-Known Member
hey they look like mine, only bigger, greener and better, ha, looking like you have done this loads of times m8.


Well-Known Member
hey m8 i would be very tempted to hook those tops of plants down if i were you. just a thought, i hear watering when lights go on rather trhan lights go off is supposed to slow the stretch but not sure if true, i mostly do that though.dont get as much stretch with enviros anyway.


Well-Known Member
yeah i am tempted an i got about 5 foot height to grow so i think il let them be they seem ok if i run out of room il bend them over for sure


Well-Known Member
hey camel you should look at the last page of my thread its a long time since my plants where seedlings there nearly 3 foot now


Active Member
yeah that was my bad sorry about that. Your plants look great. how much was it for you to get all your equipment?