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  1. D

    ph problems during flowering

    hello everybody my plant is about 2 weeks in to flowering now, it has a few yellowing leaves at the bottom but other than that seems to be ok. its under a 400w sodium in the shed on a 12 hour cycle. i've been feeding it with tomato plant food twice a week with half the recommended dosage...
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    Stunted growth and the end of time

    sweet, thanks :hump:, whats the 420 in refference to?
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    Stunted growth and the end of time

    So i am a little bit of a noob here guyshs. Gowing 3 lowryders, outside, i began my grow in soil that my plants where really not happy about. As a result they barley grew at all for the vegetive stage (talking about 3 inches). I repotted them in a much nicer soil, they began to flower...
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    Bronze patches and too much information

    also can infected leaves turn back to a healthy leaf once infected? thanks in advance x
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    Bronze patches and too much information

    ok thanks for your posts guys, some sound information. so they plant is growing nicely and so far none of the other leaves have been affected. what i wanted to ask is do you cut off the infected leaves??
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    Bronze patches and too much information

    ok... we planted it in soil for small plants to start it off, with about 25 percent perlite. its been under the light in a closet with a 12 V fan. we have done a bit of research so we havn't over watered it, and we tested our tap water and the PH was neutral. the temp in the closet was...
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    Bronze patches and too much information

    Been growing this little baby under a 100w clf for about 4 weeks, trying to get it used to the outdoors when the weather suits. I believe that the issue is to do with nutrition, but the diagnosis articles, while very useful, are a little daunting to a noob. I would really appreciate an...
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    A moment of your time if you will

    haha thats what i was thnking, they both kinda missed the current thread of the thread. !
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    A moment of your time if you will

    cheers mate, i think it could be a combination of a few things, but cold would explain why its affecting the sativa and not the indica. I have read the grow FAQ they said that curly down leaves was Potassium. you should see em today they've gone mad... infact i'll upload the pic
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    A moment of your time if you will

    argg really appreciate it guys, but your advice is pretty much directly opposite. I havn't been feedng them anything special, some all purpose grow feed, i didn't think i gave them that much at all, but maybe i have been over watering, meaning too many nutes too ( as i mix it in with the...
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    A moment of your time if you will

    bump bump, can anyone help me out, why are the leaves on the big one curling up like that :)?>
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    A moment of your time if you will

    So since my last post i've started budding, sexed the plants and f***ed loads of stuff up.:) yay. First FIVE plants where boys! leaving me one pretty weedy (excuse the pun) indica and the big sativa. The indica starting budding quick, and did't grow much the sativa took a while, and got HUGE...
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    A moment of your time if you will

    I keep burning them :( but i think they will survive ! They've pretty much all sexed now, so i'm gonna take the males out in a min.. Got me rips ready. :)
  14. D

    droopy 1 day old seedling

    i'm not an expert but i would geuss too much water
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    (noob) I am about to start my first grow.

    oh yeah and don't put the lights too far away cause they go all stretchy:weed: last time i went to the garden centre me and this other stoner where the only people there, it turned we both wanted pots for the same plants
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    (noob) I am about to start my first grow.

    No there is no way to tell sex until into flowering. I only know about growing in soil, cause thats all i've done but... Some probs i encountered, in no particular order; you got to make sure you get good soil, that lets enough air circulate. Don't water too much, don't put the lights too...
  17. D

    droopy 1 day old seedling

    Could do with some pics bro. Droopiness is probably too much water and brown is probably a little burning, like you said
  18. D

    when watering, do you water all the soil or just around the stem?

    You've got to get everywhere wet, that's why roots spread out to collect enough water from a large area. That didn't make much sense but i'm sure you get what i mean :joint: