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  1. jbnares

    First mid scale Grow Room! Advice appreciated :)

    That's actually a great idea, I'll be doing that as well. The more I can plant the more profit, and otherwise it would've been just empty space. Haha that'll be my new motto bro, Keep it clean, or loose the green xD
  2. jbnares

    First mid scale Grow Room! Advice appreciated :)

    Haha yeah, that, and also keeps out any nasty bacteria and shit you bring in from the outside world :P
  3. jbnares

    First mid scale Grow Room! Advice appreciated :)

    Thanks a lot for the recommended channel Fandango! It was of great help, as I think of it to be the best grow room set up video ever! ^^ Blue Brother, I agree, it's a great idea to set up all of your climate and control info right outside of the rooms, without having to step in. Great idea man...
  4. jbnares

    First mid scale Grow Room! Advice appreciated :)

    Hello fellow stoners! :) I am finally getting started on this new project, the dream of my life. I will describe to you what I have planned, and any tips, comments or suggestions are dearly appreciated, since this will be my first attempt at this mid scale growing and producing. I have a room...
  5. jbnares

    I need some help :)

    Hello brothers, I want to start my own grow room and I found this video the most complete guide for this. There is one problem only, he doesn't say how much water(for how long he leaves it on) he uses during those 3 times a day the pump is turned on...
  6. jbnares

    Are these the real magic mushrooms or not(pics)

    yes, they look like Golden Teacher. I've ingested those in teas and eaten them. Pretty awesome trip, very mild and pleasant but with some hallucinations and color vividness is increased.
  7. jbnares

    amanita muscaria

    Hello everyone :) i bought some amanita muscaria from a smartshop in amsterdam, the staff was very helpful and the smart shop looked great and had a kitchen, and a little space for you to trip in. it was called Dream Koko something in Warmoestraat, RLD. I've heard good things about this...
  8. jbnares

    Your best smoke, Ever

    The craziest smoke I ever had was at the Grasshopper in the red light district. I smoked a white widow+some imported dark hash joint and after the first few tokes I started getting visual effects and the feeling of my brain squeezing against my skull. I got out of the coffeeshop to enjoy...
  9. jbnares


    Thanks man. Ah, are they still selling Amanita Muscaria or is it officially banned? I went to a smart shop and the owner told me that many smart shops were closing because of they were banning it. Fortunately, everything was on total clearance sale so I got some really cheap prices for seeds...
  10. jbnares


    I just drank the syrian rue tea about 15 mins ago. Tasted like a pee, turd, lemon and vinager juice but I'm not a person who pukes easily so it wasn't that bad. I'm about to drink the blood/burgundy coloured tea that came out of the Mimosa Hostilis. I hope I have a great trip. Thank you all...
  11. jbnares


    I'll try that, thanks. What's wrong with the rue?
  12. jbnares


    I haven't said I don't respect them or that they don't know what they're talking about. Obviously I'm posting here because I'm dealing with people who know their facts. I know there is a brew for mimosa hostilis and syrian rue and it's the same recipe as my pusher told me. The thing is, I...
  13. jbnares


    I don't talk shit. I have done research which is why I'm doubting the powder or else i would've done it already. take a chill pill or smoke some weed. back off on the cocaine man.
  14. jbnares


    This is exactly how he told me to make it. For the DMT 400ml of drinking water with 2 spoons of white vinager, at minimum fire for 45mins without letting the water boil and stirring it constantly so water and vinager slowly evaporates, filter it with cloth and then repeat the process again...
  15. jbnares


    Yes, I read the links and I had already researched about DMT, MAOIs and ayahuasca(wikipedia, google). I came here to explain my own experience and get direct advice. I don't live in the states so those prices dont apply to me and have nothing to do with what things cost over here. I get an...
  16. jbnares


    Thanks for the advice guys. Yes, he already tried this brew and he described his trip to me. I think the seeds are MAOI and the powder is pure DMT. I did some research and this is the right way to make anahuasca, mixing those two substances. However I didn't know there was a risk to get...
  17. jbnares


    Hello, I bought ayahuasca from my pusher tonight and he gave me a little bag with what appears to be little seeds and twigs and another bag with a brown/pinkish powder. He told me that was DMT and I had to boil at minimum fire the two substances, separately, with 400ml of water the "DMT" and...
  18. jbnares

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    30 bucks for an ounce in dominican republic. for some very good skunky n hairy herb.
  19. jbnares

    Marijuana Policy Project

    Sorry to hear that man. I would get your wife some weed asap.
  20. jbnares

    It's the end of the world! now what?!

    Actually, the end of times will come when zombies roam the earth.