

Well-Known Member
I bought ayahuasca from my pusher tonight and he gave me a little bag with what appears to be little seeds and twigs and another bag with a brown/pinkish powder.

He told me that was DMT and I had to boil at minimum fire the two substances, separately, with 400ml of water the "DMT" and 200ml the ayahuasca seeds.

Then I'm supposed to drink the seeds juice first and 15 minutes later the "DMT" juice.

Is this the right way to do it?

thanks in advance, peace.


Well-Known Member
lol, sounds a little unusual...
The seeds I guess will be something like syrian rue (I'd much prefer you use caapi as the inhibitor, much more gentle), and the purple stuff must be some ground bark... the purple colour makes mimosa pop up as a front contender... the 15 minutes part sounds a little quick, normally one aims for 45 - 60 minutes to get the maoi in your blood first.... but as indicated, I'm not familiar with this particular brew.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
lol, sounds a little unusual...
The seeds I guess will be something like syrian rue (I'd much prefer you use caapi as the inhibitor, much more gentle), and the purple stuff must be some ground bark... the purple colour makes mimosa pop up as a front contender... the 15 minutes part sounds a little quick, normally one aims for 45 - 60 minutes to get the maoi in your blood first.... but as indicated, I'm not familiar with this particular brew.
Yep, what he said...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Dude. Stop right now. You are going to fuck yourself up.
Ever heard of Cheese syndrome? You could end up with anything from a terrible headache to dead as fuck. Its dudes doing dumb ass shit like this that makes it hard on those of us that use it responsibly. The pink shit is m
ost likely Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark Powder. The sticks and seeds or whatever are some plant that contains a an MOAI or Monoamine oxidase inhibitors. It might be good to know what you are taking. You need to do several hours of reading before you even think about that stuff.

You need to read this:
and this
and this
and this
and this
for good measure.

Think and live.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for being harsh, but this is your life you are playing with...

For the record DMT is in no way dangerous, however MOAI can fuck you hard.


New Member
IMO the right way to do it would be with someone experienced with the brew and how to prepare it. and yes it's the MAOIs that hold the bigger risk.

has your "pusher"(hate that concept)done it? Did other friends do this particular Ayahusca brew before? I'd hate to be the test subject for a theoretical, untested analog. :peace:

Then I'm supposed to drink the seeds juice first and 15 minutes later the "DMT" juice.

Is this the right way to do it?

thanks in advance, peace.


Well-Known Member
IMO the right way to do it would be with someone experienced with the brew and how to prepare it. and yes it's the MAOIs that hold the bigger risk.

has your "pusher"(hate that concept)done it? Did other friends do this particular Ayahusca brew before? I'd hate to be the test subject for a theoretical, untested analog. :peace:
Thanks for the advice guys.

Yes, he already tried this brew and he described his trip to me. I think the seeds are MAOI and the powder is pure DMT. I did some research and this is the right way to make anahuasca, mixing those two substances.

However I didn't know there was a risk to get cheese syndrome. Is there a way to avoid that? My pusher seems fine and he's tried this before.

EDIT: I just learned that there are some food restrictions when doing MAOI, for how long am I unable to eat these foods?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Thanks for the advice guys.

Yes, he already tried this brew and he described his trip to me. I think the seeds are MAOI and the powder is pure DMT. I did some research and this is the right way to make anahuasca, mixing those two substances.

However I didn't know there was a risk to get cheese syndrome. Is there a way to avoid that? My pusher seems fine and he's tried this before.

EDIT: I just learned that there are some food restrictions when doing MAOI, for how long am I unable to eat these foods?
This is NOT the right way to make ayahuasca! Making chemical ayahuasca (a.k.a adding DMT powder) is so much more sketchy than just making natural ayahuasca.

My advice, throw away the shit you have.. do some research on how to make it, then go to:


and buy the necessary ingredients (that way you will actually know what the fuck is in your shit).


Well-Known Member
I think the seeds are MAOI and the powder is pure DMT. I did some research and this is the right way to make anahuasca, mixing those two substances.

If you have a bag of DMT then im a monkeys uncle. Shit goes for between $100 and $300 a gram on the street. He didn't just give you 4 grand in DMT.

Do you even know what it looks like? It isn't pink and most would not call it a powder.

I have money that you will die from a case of the dumbass. You didn't read my links hu?


Well-Known Member
If you have a bag of DMT then im a monkeys uncle. Shit goes for between $100 and $300 a gram on the street. He didn't just give you 4 grand in DMT.

Do you even know what it looks like? It isn't pink and most would not call it a powder.

I have money that you will die from a case of the dumbass. You didn't read my links hu?

Yes, I read the links and I had already researched about DMT, MAOIs and ayahuasca(wikipedia, google). I came here to explain my own experience and get direct advice.

I don't live in the states so those prices dont apply to me and have nothing to do with what things cost over here. I get an ounce of weed for 30 bucks, I bet you can't say that.

These two baggies cost me 50 bucks which is quite expensive considering LSD is worth 25 bucks over here.

This is the size of the bags, that's 5 grams each, approximately.

This is the size of the bags:

This is what each of them contains:



Well-Known Member
This is exactly how he told me to make it.

For the DMT

400ml of drinking water with 2 spoons of white vinager, at minimum fire for 45mins without letting the water boil and stirring it constantly so water and vinager slowly evaporates, filter it with cloth and then repeat the process again.

For the seeds:

boil with 200ml of water and a spoon of white vinager for 15 mins, then repeat the process twice but with half a spoon of vinager, 100ml of water and 10mins each.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I read the links and I had already researched about DMT, MAOIs and ayahuasca (wikipedia, google). I came here to explain my own experience and get direct advice.

I don't live in the states so those prices don't apply to me and have nothing to do with what things cost over here. I get an ounce of weed for 30 bucks, I bet you can't say that.

These two baggies cost me 50 bucks which is quite expensive considering LSD is worth 25 bucks over here.

This is the size of the bags, that's 5 grams each, approximately.

This is the size of the bags:

This is what each of them contains:

Anyone can get shit weed for $30 an oz. In fact I buy shwag for $21.87 an oz exactly.

That is NOT DMT. That is mimosa hostilis root bark powder from the looks of it. It contains DMT. $25 dollars wouldn't even cover the solvent to make the DMT. Hell $50 wouldn't cover the solvent. lol

I know that you claim that you have been doing research on DMT, but I can tell from the questions and general ignorance that you have not studied anything. Please don't hurt yourself.


New Member
One of the aspects of ayahuasca is that you don't use solvents to make it other than naturally occurring acids and such. I think you are right in advising this guy to learn as much as possible.

I don't think insulting him is necessary. We ALL have things to learn. :peace:

Anyone can get shit weed for $30 an oz. In fact I buy shwag for $21.87 an oz exactly.

That is NOT DMT. That is mimosa hostilis root bark powder from the looks of it. It contains DMT. $25 dollars wouldn't even cover the solvent to make the DMT. Hell $50 wouldn't cover the solvent. lol

I know that you claim that you have been doing research on DMT, but I can tell from the questions and general ignorance that you have not studied anything. Please don't hurt yourself.


Well-Known Member
I was okay at first. I love DMT. If the dude is not going to listen he is screwing it up for people that want to take drugs responsibly. Just another recorded trip to the hospital against the safety of DMT. He is planning on drinking what he thinks is 5 grams of DMT and some seeds. Do you know what ingesting 5 grams of DMT with an MOAI would do? Not safe.

Who was the solvent comment pointed at? I personally am very familiar with making both pure DMT and Ayahuasca. If i was at me you missed the point. If not BONG!!!



New Member
you were talking about how much the solvent would cost to make DMT. I'm positive that you know better. not aiming for friction~ he should know what the combination of plants he has is, know how they interact, know the approx dosage, how long to cook each, etc.

I personally am trying to figure out how to make an analogue with plants I can grow and or obtain locally. Passion flower contains very small amounts of the same MOAI inhibitors as Caapi AKA Ayahuasca vine. This is what I may try someday.

I don't recommend taking any unknown mystery powders~ Know what you are taking.

Certain people will ALWAYS try to make political hay out of stupid people poisoning themselves (NOT pointed at anyone here), and there will ALWAYS be those that do the dumb shit like smoking Jimson weed at the senior prom :dunce:

It's my experience that people turn off their ears when you put them down. :peace:

I was okay at first. I love DMT. If the dude is not going to listen he is screwing it up for people that want to take drugs responsibly. Just another recorded trip to the hospital against the safety of DMT. He is planning on drinking what he thinks is 5 grams of DMT and some seeds. Do you know what ingesting 5 grams of DMT with an MOAI would do? Not safe.

Who was the solvent comment pointed at? I personally am very familiar with making both pure DMT and Ayahuasca. If i was at me you missed the point. If not BONG!!!



Well-Known Member
Anyone can get shit weed for $30 an oz. In fact I buy shwag for $21.87 an oz exactly.

That is NOT DMT. That is mimosa hostilis root bark powder from the looks of it. It contains DMT. $25 dollars wouldn't even cover the solvent to make the DMT. Hell $50 wouldn't cover the solvent. lol

I know that you claim that you have been doing research on DMT, but I can tell from the questions and general ignorance that you have not studied anything. Please don't hurt yourself.

I don't talk shit. I have done research which is why I'm doubting the powder or else i would've done it already.

take a chill pill or smoke some weed. back off on the cocaine man.