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  1. marie e

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    I think there is more to just money when it comes to producing a good product for your self,its something that you can play around with get the best genetics possible.And pushing them to there limit.i use it for medical reasons not to get smashed all though i do every so often lol.Just seem like...
  2. marie e

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    yes I have because this is all about growing after all, tyke1973
  3. marie e

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    newbie i been doing this shit 25 yr dude can't log in has tyke 1973 for some reason thought there was a far better way of geting uk strains across rather than 5 million post about prices if ya paying more than 185 ya a fool
  4. marie e

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    Hi guys i started this thread to give uk growers new and old help in how to get the most from the plants there growing fire away. Tips on getting the most from your plants,in fact i only need to dump stems rest is used even stems go on compost heap. Medical use of the plants we grow eg rick...
  5. marie e

    Please help

    yea mate pot ash and manure combined,if ya can get it a bit of amllasess
  6. marie e

    Please help

    Pot ash from a fire horse or cow manure,don't panic its organic.
  7. marie e

    Please help

    no just hit her with a bloom based feed high phos/pattasium let nature take its course good luck keep me posted. Get her in the biggest tub you can she looks like a stunner nice tight nodes should throw a nice amount of goodies. Have a nice big fire then hit her with the ash left over,but i...
  8. marie e

    Cheese quake

    Has anyone ever done this indoors if so what did she throw you. Ordering soon gonna cross with the cheese i have, and the blueberry,I have.If she producers if not also interested in a few of subcools strains time wreck. Wanna do a bit of work with grand daddy purps this summer too,looking...
  9. marie e

    Do you grow fem or normal? Why

    Nice to remember your mother in this way two great woman,This is what i mean growing for bud is what its about but you soon get onto bigger and better things. Breeding plants that you love why have two strains you love when with a little graft you can breed the two. Its the way of keeping...
  10. marie e

    alternateing nodes

    If the clones were took of a mother plant,then nodes play no part in the plant been mature,it means the clones have been took of a mature female.Just flower on the height that you have rather than node structure
  11. marie e

    Do you grow fem or normal? Why

    regular seeds are the only way,im not saying that fem seeds don't have there place if you new to growing i would start with them for one or two grows but then move over to regular seeds. I don't like the idea that the slightest mistake could have your plants throwing you seeds with fem seeds,i...
  12. marie e


    scrog its the only way,height wise that jack will throw a 1lb a plant on a couple if ya can control the height
  13. marie e


    she been kept warm for future,gonna cross the two
  14. marie e


    more bud porn
  15. marie e

    Blueberry update

    Blueberry she is nearly cooked............
  16. marie e

    Does anyone use an Airstone in there feeding solution?

    I no longer ph,aint for about 3 year has long has water is good ya be fine a ec trunchen is far more important i get min 10 of each plant most of the time 12/13 but nutes are pretty good now they do the ph for ya get advanced or canna
  17. marie e

    smell problem

    I have a 10 ince fan going to filter wtth acoustic ducting pulling hot air through 4 air cooled hoods not cool tubes you lose lumans with tubes. 8 ince in let bring air from a window winter, void in loft in summer its cooler than window in summer,then have duct running along bottom of room from...
  18. marie e

    Does anyone use an Airstone in there feeding solution?

    I use air stones in my dwp pots ,but only just started useing this system,i used to use auto pot and still use a air ring under the coco the roots love it same in soil
  19. marie e

    smell problem

    I use a 10 ince filter in a 5 ft by 9 ft long 7ft height,if you have a big fan filter just get acoustic ducting,but make sure your inlets two ince smaller .............................. tyke
  20. marie e

    alternateing nodes

    The plant in my profile picture is off a plant that is 8 yr old.But i clone here once a year 4 clones and keep best one to be my new mother but if you have the room just let her grow till she gets too big,or just keep hacking her back clone at 2 week of flowering of a mother 2 week to get...