smell problem


Active Member
hey guys, I am in the last few weeks until i chop them down and the smell is getting to bad I wanted to know if 720 CFM Active air Fan and phresh Filter 8 inch like 750 -850 CFM.. Do you guys think that will do the trick for 5x5x7 tent because one of neighbors are crying about the smell.. Not that I am worried or really care because that fucker shoot two bullets thru my wall and almost killed some I love very much in my house that is whole story by it's self but not trying to cause problems with them over this. Do you guys think this will do the trick? or should I try the HEPA charcoal filter I am thinking about that for too because would be a lot easier too get it putt into place right in the middle of a run... thanks for the help guys

marie e

glade plug ins or the gel sold in grow shpos, but i use two filters on two of my plants one in the room and a second where out let goes too.either that or up the filter/fan in the room but make sure you step up the in let too.tents do leak smell a lot.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
hey op, that filter you are looking at will surely do the trick. i'd put the fan on a rheostat so you can slow it down a bit. this'll quiet it down a lot and allow the carbon to clean the air more.


I figured two filters would create to much back pressure? The filter and fan u got will work follow Joe's advice and remember its filter--> duct> fan> hood> duct> outside or either hook the fan to suck directly froth filter and drop a few feet of du t work. Always have the fan suck the filter not blow in case of reflector air leaks or any air leaks plus it will aid in the smelling on the I side of the tent for when u open it wont knock u out.

marie e

I use a 10 ince filter in a 5 ft by 9 ft long 7ft height,if you have a big fan filter just get acoustic ducting,but make sure your inlets two ince smaller .............................. tyke

marie e

I have a 10 ince fan going to filter wtth acoustic ducting pulling hot air through 4 air cooled hoods not cool tubes you lose lumans with tubes.

8 ince in let bring air from a window winter, void in loft in summer its cooler than window in summer,then have duct running along bottom of room from inlet with holes in the side running along floor of the room,

By doing this filter and 10 ince fan has high in room has you can,and the 8 ince inlet has low in th eroom has you can by the time the fresh air rises through the plants to the top of the room and took out through filter,its replaced by new fresh air.

I think useing two fans the same size the air is took out the room a lot faster plus a bigger in let is not needed but the out let is it controls the smell has well has keeping the room at 27/28
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joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
i have allways used a 10 ince out let 8 ince in or your pulling fresh air out too fast
explain this please. because this isn't making sense. If your intake isn't sized appropriately for the cfm rating of your fan you are working it too hard. This WILL cause premature fan failure.

there is no "pulling fresh air out too fast" unless you are talking about drawing air through your filter too quickly in which case the appropriate thing to do would be to slow the fan down..

not downsize your duct.

Not trying to be a jerk here but you shouldn't give advice if you don't know enough on the subject.


Well-Known Member
For the OP, yes, it will do the job quite nicely. The Phresh brand filter is supposed to be one of the best available. As stated here, dont downsize anything in your line, get a speed controller for your fan and you'll be in good shape.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I've often wondered what makes the Phresh filters so much better than the rest? I mean i've heard that too cobo.
i'm pretty sure they have 2" of carbon but some other brands do too. for close to half the price.

I don't get what makes them so much better, smaller carbon size maybe? i'm gonna have to get one sometime just to tear it apart and find out.....course i'll use it first :)


Active Member
thanks for the info guys I am going to get filter today... Do you guys think because I am in the middle of flowering and don't/can't re-do the set up right to get the new fan/filter in place because I would have to pretty much take down everything, pull the plants out and that's not going to happen...So do you guys think I could leave my new 720 CFM active air fan and the Phresh filter I am going to get to match the fan and have it just sitting in the tent circulating the air.. Will that put a dent in smell? Also might putt my 4inch 170CFM fan/filter that is sitting there now circulating air and use that where I exhaust and have that scrubbing that area to help just trying get my neighbor off my back until I chop them down..I have like 2-3 weeks is chem dog strain it don't smell that strong.. I have had small amounts of weed/big bags and few pounds that smelled more then this but I know growing is different always emitting smell so i guess that's why mostly...thanks for help guys...


Active Member
ONA Bucket !
yeah I a got smaller one of the ona gel and putt it in little cups all around along with 20 bucks of cheap air fresher's seem to be working because they didn't have the filter on hand like there website said so have to wait until Friday :( .... but that ONA gel does work pretty well to mask the smell as a quick fix not sure how long it will last for the money but will help a lot...thanks for help info guys...


Well-Known Member
Do not have your carbon filter recirculate the air in your room. Almost got busted that way. Vent the scrubbed air out or your area completely via ducting. This will eliminate any trace of odor!


Well-Known Member
I've been reading a bit about activated carbon. Supposedly, it's not all created equal. Virgin coco carbon is highly granulated vs extruded carbon which is around 2-3m in diameter. I learned this whilst sourcing new carbon for my can 33. Yes i am a cheap prick but compare $60 to $200. I want the difference for myself. Besides it's a pretty easy DIY job.


Well-Known Member
My past grow I was cheap and tried to reuse a 4"carbon filter that I had used on my previous grow. It was a cheap $120 fan/filter combo, which was effective on grow one. Grow two however I should have replaced the carbon filter for a mere $60 dollars. I now realize I can even get phresh filters with better quality carbon for the same price. Lesson learned, spend the money on new carbon for each grow. Sixty bucks barely buys a good bag of bud.


Active Member
Do not have your carbon filter recirculate the air in your room. Almost got busted that way. Vent the scrubbed air out or your area completely via ducting. This will eliminate any trace of odor![/QUOTE

Yeah I know it is not the best way but I have no choice...I would have to take down the lights and pull plants out to get to the back and set it up right so for now that will have too do...I am in state where I can only two plants talk to my neighbor they are kool with it few few more weeks...I really don't care her hubby almost took out someone in my house by showing a gun too a friend so really I don't care... just not trying to cause a problem with them about this for next run when it's done right