Search results

  1. LeCannaisseur

    Veni Vidi Weed - I came, I saw, I got high AF

    Veni Vidi Weed - I came, I saw, I got high AF
  2. LeCannaisseur

    driver difference models

    1vdc to 10vdc is only for B model you wanna get A
  3. LeCannaisseur

    First Landrace Sativa Grow. Advice?

    Play it safe, add the coco. I brought home some Filipino Sativa(probably imported Thai landrace) & for what I can tell they can be very nutrient sensitive. I'd also give them 12/12 2 weeks after breaking through the soil & start supercropping the third week. For the Pot just use a 5gallon to...
  4. LeCannaisseur

    Need help. wanting to build a COB fixture for 2'x4'x6'

    4x CXB3590 CD bin 132USD 4x iceled 550 heatsinks 50USD 1x HLG-320H-2100A 86USD + a 12v power adaptor to run the fans on the heatsink running these specs will get you 300w
  5. LeCannaisseur

    Random Plant Mutations

    So this occurs due to stress? wouldn't this be something desirable for LST & SCROG? one of the 4 nodes that resulted is trifoliate as well now
  6. LeCannaisseur

    CALMAG !!!

    I add a light dosage throughout the grow
  7. LeCannaisseur

    LED's on Ebay?

    It costs 100USD for probably 300W. If you'd want to run 300W with the Crees you'd be looking at: 4x CXB3590 CD bin 132USD 4x fans+heatsinks 50USD 1x HLG-320H-2100A 86USD Total of 268USD, yeah I know... expensive... but WAIT! THERES MORE! The eBay Leds (DIP @ 35lm/W) yield 105Lm/USD while the...
  8. LeCannaisseur

    Random Plant Mutations

    Thanks for the info, ill read into it!
  9. LeCannaisseur

    Random Plant Mutations

    So I've had 2 plants which recently evolved into something else. The first one suddenly grew 3 leaves per node and the second one after what felt like 2 days of halted growth suddenly split into 2 tips. Heres the first one: Looks like Whorled Phyllotaxy but I thought those always had 3 leaves...
  10. LeCannaisseur

    LED's on Ebay?

    If you're looking for cheap LED solutions with great yields I suggest u try the CXB3590 from cree. It requires some DIY but Its definitely the best choice out there imho.