1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers

I still wonder what the real hand was moving these wars. By constantly waging one side against the next, almost every culture has been eviscerated.
The Germans once were the Prussians

In order to find that out you have to go back thousands of years.

I'm talking Babylon.

Seriously, that far back.

The answer is there, you won't like it.
I can no longer debate this topic with you if you are unfamiliar with the Rhineland.
The Rhineland is North France on the German/Belgian border, I know this but asked because you keep stating it as if it disproves what I've said when it actually reinforces it.

I've stated repeatedly that Hitler invaded through Belgium which is just West of the Rhineland and the only part of the North Eastern French border that the Maginot Line didn't extend to. (Because Belgium was neutral and seen as a "friendly" who they didn't want to annoy)
I'm not a Darwinist, few things surprise me, or exist without my knowledge of some of it.
Wait till your eye catches on to how many rocks you see is just old compacted mud. This story goes back much further.
OK, so if you were to choose haveing to watch your wife and children being raped before all of you were dispatched to the hereafter or dying of fallout, you choose the first?

I'd die fighting to protect them.

They run, I'll keep 'em busy.

I told you, my family has been in service from the gate, the genes are still as strong as ever.

Nuclear fallout? Try and run from that, it rains black shit, dude. You have to remove the top three feet of soil or more to remove the radiation.

I feel like I'm conducting a History seminar.

I still wonder what the real hand was moving these wars. By constantly waging one side against the next, almost every culture has been eviscerated.
The Germans once were the Prussians
Prussia still exists, it's just a region in Germany since the German Unification by Bismarck.

He was a military genius and arguably prevented many big wars with the use of his "Balance of Power" dogma.
I'm not a Darwinist, few things surprise me, or exist without my knowledge of some of it.
Wait till your eye catches on to how many rocks you see is just old compacted mud. This story goes back much further.

If you are referencing the Sumerians then that is a whole different story.

I know you try hard, but I'm not interested in being a History teacher.
You'd have to actually know some to be a teacher.

So your argument is "my family said" instead of what actually happened?

In a time when the average house didn't even have a radio capable of receiving from New York to L.A.?

This is crazy, history is history and it's not up for debate.

It's as crazy as "Hitler didn't kill any Jews, my family said so. I know the Truth".

Are you one of those that also knows the Truth (capital T usually means your about to say something ridiculous btw) that 9/11 was an inside job by the Jews to promote war in the Middle East and allow massive insurance claims by property owning Jews?

That sort of "Truth"?
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You'd have to actually know some to be a teacher.

So your argument is "my family said" instead of what actually happened?

In a time when the average house didn't even have a radio capable of receiving from New York to L.A.?

This is crazy, history is history and it's not up for debate.

It's as crazy as "Hitler didn't kill any Jews, my family said so. I know the Truth".

Are you one of those that also knows the Truth (capital T usually means your about to say something ridiculous btw) that 9/11 was an inside job by the Jews to promote war in the Middle East and allow massive insurance claims by property owning Jews?

That sort of "Truth"?

This post is on fire.

I like how you put words in my mouth there.

You're right, history is history and the victor writes it.

That's why America is the world "police" and we did nothing wrong in WWII, except for terror bombing Germany and Japan along with a few others but I'm sure if I shed light on that (which can be cross referenced just the same as everything else I stated) you'll just argue, call me names and put more words in my mouth.

Trying to invade Italy was a complete waste of time and lives.

The British surrendering in Northern Africa was some crazy shit as well. I mean, they out numbered the Nazis but folded like a paper air plane.
Did you know an American based oil company sold the fuel to the Japanese they used to bomb Pearl Harbor?


Did you know Henry Ford supported Adolf Hitler and his campaign to kill Jews?

Did you know Henry Ford wrote his own book on anti-Semitism?

Did you know Adolf Hitler read that book and kept it in his office?

Did you know Adolf Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford in his office as well?

I bet you want to sell your Ford now, huh?

Don't think getting a GM is better!

Ford and GM both sold trucks, tires and other equipment to the Nazis on credit!

I won't spoon feed you this one, you need to do your own homework.

Do you know which company(s) sold oil to the Axis Powers?

Food for thought.

Learn, grow.

Prussia still exists, it's just a region in Germany since the German Unification by Bismarck.

He was a military genius and arguably prevented many big wars with the use of his "Balance of Power" dogma.

Prussia still exists but there are no more Prussians.

Culture after culture went extinct and became replaced with a veneer if they were lucky.

France was once Roman Gaul.

What I mean to convey is that nothing is wrong, everything is doing what it is supposed to be doing, everything is changing into something else.
Prussia still exists but there are no more Prussians.

Culture after culture went extinct and became replaced with a veneer if they were lucky.

France was once Roman Gaul.

What I mean to convey is that nothing is wrong, everything is doing what it is supposed to be doing, everything is changing into something else.
sounds like a whole bunch of cop out.