1.5 weeks from seed

Green Giant84

Active Member
Yeah I second that Bulla. U can wait to do that when u get at least 4-5 set of nodes then transplant.

Wat strain u got going there.


Well-Known Member
i was told ak47/mr nice guy but i don't know if they meant i got a mixed bag or it was a hybrid...its very mysterious haha..

Green Giant84

Active Member
If it is to b AK47 you got a good strain on your hands there,haven't smoke any but seen and heard good things from other journals.So if you keep this grow updated I'll b here for sure watching and helping when I can.

Wat nutes u plan on using and soil


Active Member
you can wait or transplant them now...I always start them in little cups of dirt untill they pop out then right into there main pots :) DONE and DONE lol ~cheers~


Well-Known Member
Ill def keep this updated and im gonna wait a few more days i think for the transplant...im keeping my eye on growth..Umm for soil im just using potting soil from a green house in town which is a peat-perlite-composted bark mix with vermiculate, bark ash, and dolomite lime. I plan to use Dyna gro 7-9-5 for veg then the bloom 3-12-6 for flower.


Well-Known Member
i hear what killeroxx is saying get it over with which i do sometimes cause i just wanna do something in my room but i say wait which most of the time i do cause when u start to get good roots u can inspect in a smaller cup and u will know how there doing plus i think in smaller plants its easier to water not sure how long u been growing but if its a short time chances are a plant that small in its perminant pot u may over water ..just my oinion .....GOOD LUCK !!!!!


Active Member
i hear what killeroxx is saying get it over with which i do sometimes cause i just wanna do something in my room but i say wait which most of the time i do cause when u start to get good roots u can inspect in a smaller cup and u will know how there doing plus i think in smaller plants its easier to water not sure how long u been growing but if its a short time chances are a plant that small in its perminant pot u may over water ..just my oinion .....GOOD LUCK !!!!!
I agree for root inspection and over watering problems espicialy for your first grow..good input bulla:clap:


Well-Known Member
i added some recent posts to my journal..im not sure if thats what you meant Killeroxx? Their are a couple other pix from when they first sprouted..


Active Member
all good man Journals on here are mostely compiled in thread :) I think because its the easyest way :) click on forums then scroll down a tad and you should see indoor growing on the left click it then once the page loads in the top left corner kinda it should say post new thread or something like that...when you click it Make the title pretty much what ur grow is and is growing under or what ever you want so to speak Ill subscribe to it when u have it ready :)