1 healthy 1 not -stunted growth?


Hey guys. My buddy has 2 plants. The bigger one (Plant 1.) has been growing very healthy and at a good pace. The other (Plant 2.) was planted a week later and is extremely small and not growing as it should. The leaves are kind of turning yellow & drooping down. I posted some pictures so you guys can take a look, and hopefully help me out! thanks :)

As for info: Plant 2. is getting 1/2 tsb. of Floranova grow per Gal. he waters every 4 days using about 1/2gal for both plants.

Soil/Medium: Cocogro Boss 8x8 cube

Lighting: 4 60-watt white CFL's 2700k

this is plant Plant 2. Its really small for it's size, when my other one was this old it was twice as big... I'm thinking it's sick?

Heres another shot of plant 2.

Heres a side shot of the sick plant

In this picture i have them side by side, as you can see my healthy one is just so much bigger, and growing at a better rate?

Thanks for checking this out! feel free to post whatever, anything helps.


whats your ph? if its too high or low it will lock out your nutes and stunt the plant.
i'm using bottled spring water, and the Nutes should not change the ph either according to the bottle. I've been doing the same thing for both plants, and the other one has been fine.


Active Member
was it stressed when a seedling? i had one that hit the humidity dome and got stunted, it never caught up.


hmm never thought of that, great point. I'm starting to think yes because i started giving nutes at a very low dosage as a seedling. (as the bottle said.) but the other plant handled it


Active Member
are they the same strain? some can handle nutes early some cant... anyways i hope i helped you brainstorm this issue.