1 month


Well-Known Member
er.jpgtaylorts.jpgpol.jpgStarted them from seed kaya gold. 1 month old i topped both of them and i need help to see if i did it right. They look more bushy but if someone can help me out it would be great. Are they small for a month old or about right?


Active Member
of the four i have in the back yard one is def male and two are probable. I am practicing cloning on there worthless male hides


Active Member
you didnt mess up. you did fine. Its just some people wait for 5 nodes to top a plant. 3 is acceptable.


Well-Known Member
oh okay thanks guys for clearing it up for me. Is the progress okay for a month i feel like they should be bigger maybe they will blow up soon or something


Active Member
for a month it looks great. You can get it a little bigger with more experience but if this is your first grow then congratulations on even getting it this far! Dont worry too much. you have a plant and thats all that matters. Good going.

Your plants will form roots first so growth the first few weeks might seem slow. After it has some roots going it will start growing faster.


Active Member
I am sorry Krewzer I didn't mean to freak you. I was asking how many internodes did you have at trim. they look super bushy. mine are tall but very little internode growth.


Well-Known Member
No problem buddy. Yeah i kind of just winged and ripped off the top leaves lol. Oh well i got good feed back so i am happy. I am sure yours will shoot up quickly keep me updated


Well-Known Member
Another thing, just curious on how much yield i can get off these two plants. Did nothing special to them just topped and gave them water, might give nutes later on. any estimates?


Well-Known Member
po0.jpgAs you can see one of my plants has yellowing and brown leaves on the bottom but not on the top, i think its due to burning them with some nutes i gave it. Any ideas or tips on what to do to fix this?