1 week flowering I think this ones male


This one is producing these little pods. I believe that it is male, but I want to know for sure before I kill it.



Well-Known Member
sorry, my monitor sucks & I cant see well enough but it does look male . dont be in a rush to kill it, it will be several weeks befor a male starts shooting pollen.


Well-Known Member
100% male.
If you don't plan on keeping pollen, thats the time to discard it.

Might be a hermi too, but those are 100% male flowers.


Thanks for the responses.

What is the benefit of keeping this plant alive for the next couple of weeks? I really don't want it to pollinate my ladies.


Well-Known Member
none at all....turn off your fans slowly slide a garbage bag over him and carfully remove it from the area it's in and kill it! it is 100% male like mcfonz said


Well-Known Member
once you are sure its a male, no reason to keep it alive. I was suggesting that unless you are sure its male,it is not a big rush to kill it as it takes several weeks to form enough pollen to cause trouble.


Well-Known Member
males usually flower faster than females.
I start my males with all my ladies and move them after they look like they have another week or two.
I then move them to my PC grow thats equiped with a carbon filter.

When you grow a male and it gets one flower open its enough to make a few hundred, if not thousands of seeds.
Thats the risk.

If you want to preserve the genetics go ahead and take the risk.
If its a random bagseed or some cheap genetics just trash.

No need to bag it or cut the fans down at this stage - no bananas opened up or close to do so.