10 blueberry kush just started flower...INDOOR ORGANIC


Well-Known Member
holy shit bro the plants are looking fuckin amazin, i wish i had as many girls as you do...... I need a hps, im noticing its making your buds massive, swing by mine i updated it, loads of pics. Great job man, your definitely killin it too


Well-Known Member
Like I said before, you know you're setup better then anyone though. Random ideas always help me to get my brain going... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
You're are going to have some nice nugs!!! Can't wait until you get to harvest and start drying. I'm curious because it's looking real nice so far, and it can only get better. Not seeing any negative effects from the lights being closer, that's always good.


Active Member
I freak'n love your setup. You have one of the cleanest grow boxes I have seen. I was amazed you change your box every grow. I'm on my first and I've been experimenting to see what works and what doesn't. So far I believe I have been doing a pretty good job. How often do you water your plants and how much at a time? Is the tea cheaper than buying organic ready-to-use nutes? I'm all organic too. I just think the bud will taste better. Think of an organic farm raised chicken and then a chicken Tyson creates that can't even walk. How long is the flowering period for your girls; both of mine are a "recommended" 8 weeks. So far the Green Crack seems like she might be ready in 8 but the Blue Dream might take a weeks or so longer.Apologize for writing so much at once , but I have missed your whole grow and I have a lot of things I wanted to ask. Were you BB Kush clones or from seed? If seed who did you go through? Keep up the good work and I really enjoy how much pride you take in your grow and Your one of the few journals that update as frequently as you do and reply back too.


Well-Known Member
Cheechzilla- Thanks for the reply. My different set-ups were all in different places and not as nice as this one. Iv used 1-600 then 1-1000 and then 4-600 upgrading each time...Is growing addictive?hahaha. Your plants look great for your first grow keep it up. I water my plants about every two days now with each one getting about an 8-count from the watering can. I think the tea might be cheeper than ready mix nutes but not sure. I do think the tea is way more alive freshly made than a bottled nute thats been sitting on a shelf for months. But the tea can go bad after two days if you dont feed it or give it air, then it becomes anaerobic and shouldnt be used. This is my firs time making tea and its allot of fun. Im not to sure what the flower time is for this bb kush this is my first run with the strain. They were all clones that a friend of mine got from someone ells...so I really have no idea about where the sgenetics came from. Thanks for stopping through and stay tuned for a harvest report in a few weeks... I think I covered all of your questions but if you or anyone ells is curios or has any other comments about my journal pleas fell free to post.


Well-Known Member
Hey cola, I think the lights being closer is already making a difference.-thanks
Well just think of it like this, closer is always better (as long as heat isn't an issue). As well as closer penetrates deeper, thus giving you colas that go further down the stem. Not to mention nugs that are more dense from more foot-candles reaching the plant in general... This in information that works for everyone in every grow, no matter the setup. :leaf: