awesome kushy!!! gotta love dem bitches!! LOL
farmer, I started the molasses on week 6 with every watering. I will flush with just molasses the last week. I used all FoxFarm nutes besides BCuzz Root from Atami, which is the same as big bloom basically. I gave them The root stim(BCuzz root) from the very first watering and with every watering until week 6. they loved it!! at 2.5 weeks I started on other nutes. started with 1/4 strength Grow Big every other watering, and went up in strength every other watering. By the 3rd watering of Grow Big, I switched to tiger bloom at 1/2 strength for 2weeks everyother watering. I then switched to tiger bloom,beastie bloomz, and molasses, which is where I am now. I will do this for one more watering, and then switch to molasses and water only for last week. the Tiger Bloom lowers the pH ALOT, so make sure you adjust it. I can lay this all out in a diagram if it will help, so wither let me know or feel free to ask here or PM me if more info is needed. thanks for the compliments! I am really looking forward to giving you guys a smoke report in a few weeks.