10 vs 15 gallon


Active Member
So I’m part way through setting up my basement for veg and flower. I’ve got an 8x4 veg tent lit up with a mars ii 1200 (490 pull from the wall) on one half and a custom cob on the right (260 pull).
I’ve currently got 2 timber 2vs 3000k lights set up for flowering (plans for 4 more so each girl will have her own).
I’m going to be using smart pots. The girls on the right close to 1.5-2 months and will probably veg for another 2-6 weeks before I flower them. They went from starter to 1 gallon plastic to bring Currently in 5 gallon smart pots. I’m growing in soil and using nectar of the gods nutrients, terp tea compost teas, and SLF-100
I’m going to move them up to bigger pots before flowering but my question is will 10 gallon be fine out should I just spring for 15 gal? I’ve got more than enough space to grow but plant count is an issue. I can only have up to 12 at a tIme with 6 flowering. Eventually my plan is to attach pvc to the white flood trays(they roll)and have each plant have her own Stationary scrog net above her while allowing for me to move them freely from each other in flower


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Well-Known Member
Nice setup,10's will be good if you do veg for 6 more weeks..
But if you just do 2 weeks,I'd just run with the 5's.


Active Member
No kidding @BassheadGrowsWeed -- those wheeled trays look awesome! Neat to see how your handling waste water with the table too. Most excellent.
The big table was easy enough to build a pvc stand for it just high enough to drain into a bucket and I empty the bucket when needed. The trays are slightly trickier being so low to the ground. They came with 1/2” holes drilled in them that I’m in the process of putting tubing into, once that’s complete I’m going to have all the tubes drain down into one centralized bucket of sorts(haven’t quite gotten that far yet, still a WIP) that I can then empty. I’ll snap some pics later tonight of that portion. I got super fucking lucky and picked up 8 2x2 trays with wheels and between 3-5lbs of azos for $10 from someone local who was scaling down their grow