10 weeks flowering/unknown strain

Hi all, I'm in the final run of my first grow. All seems pretty well. They have stopped vertical growing. Taking 2 1/2 gal water weekly. Giving her Tiger Bloom and black molasses, PH is 7. Just lowered the 400 HPS from 12" to 8". Have a fan dissipating heat. Please take a look and tell me when.......I heard 8-10 weeks, but they don't "look" ready, tri's are hard to tell for first timer, see very few red hairs under scope, but no amber. Thanks for looking.


Well-Known Member
they could be done my man. they look nice and fat. and a nice purple color. id say u could pull em now or 1 more week tops.
happy trimming/toking man. trimming will be fun if u only have one plant and its ur first time. so enjoy that. cuz if ur a couple yrs
into growing and got like 5-10 plants trimming is a bitch lol
Let me ask....when I cut them, do I wait until the stem snaps to jar them? Or should they bend? I only have 1 so I don't want to screw it up. What should my RH be when curing?


nice plants there but they dont look ready maybe 2-3 weeks more!! way to much white hairs . i could be wrong but dont always go by the trich's thers lots of factors that will tell you she is ready.
good things come to those who wait my friend
keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
dont wanna wait to long tho pulling late it just as bad as pulling early.

and just seperate the big stems and hang them to dry for about a week. after that week.
you do another trim into just smokeable buds. than u jar it for 2-weeks to a month depending on how u want it to look.
keeping it in the jar 24 hrs and opening it once a day and moving the buds around and give them fresh air.

check out the harvest/curing section alot of helpful stuff man. this is gonna be my 4th harvest and ill still be studying up this year.

keep it green man.
How full should the jars be? I'm wondering how much she'll produce....can I stuff the jar or use large ones with just a few? Can I keep them in a dark closet to cure and dry? Should I put het in a dark closet for an couple nights prior to clipping? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
i would not pack the jars @ all, let the bud have room and air in between and maybe fill the jars about 60%. and idk if the light/dark thing matters as much as the humidity
and again im gonna have to brush up on it myself here in a month or 2 when harvest comes around. but when drying, light/dark doesnt matter as much just hang em upside down
on a clothes line type deal. and wait till the leaves curl up and dry


Well-Known Member
still alot of white hairs. Judging by the leafs its sativa dom so she could be a long one. youre at 11 weeks now? dang thats long. love my indicas ;)
Ya man, I would let them go a little longer. I am at 10 weeks tomorrow, sativa dom and I am thinking this thing may drag out for 14 weeks. : ( I am defiantly going with a hybrid next time. But this was a free one from who knows where. Mexican brick I am pretty sure. But here are a couple pics. I have 3-4 weeks left I think. I decided today that I am stopping checking every day so I am not tempted, especially on the days I am out. Lol