100% odor control?


Well-Known Member
There should be no light, and with computer fans I'm not too worried about the noise. I'm hoping the roommates are chill and smoke too cuz that would make this very easy.


Active Member
still with even if they were cool ide tell them to keep the shit under wraps, you dont want the whole school knowing whats up ;)


small ozone generator would be 100 % but then 150$ aint cheap. maybe get some 4:20 friendly roomates

CAP Ozone Jr. is like $65 and covers 1000 sq ft. do NOT get one of these or any Ozone generator. all things were not taken into consideration when this was recommended. Ozone throws off it's own odd ass burned wire static kinda smell. i'd rather explain bud smell then that smell. if i didn't know a Ozone smell and smelled it from my room mates room i would go right in and make sure some electrical device wasn't about to catch fire or call maintenance which is even worse! at least if they smelled bud they may try a intervention before getting you busted lol. get a carbon filter you will be fine!

carbon filter INSIDE of your grow box, inline fan SUCKING air through the filter and blowing it out into your closet. a intake hole (passive no forced air) near the bottom of the box and you will have no smell issues at all IF you get a good carbon filter.

if light is a issue you can build a light trap for the intake (basically a tube shaped like a "S" so the light is trapped in the curves and doesn't light up your closet.


Active Member
Even if they are cool I may not even tell them, I just want to know they wont trip if they find out lol.
Good plan my man, I kinda have the same issue coming up, my roommate this fall is an old friend who used to smoke alot, but just kinda gave it up. and his last roommate was a daily toker, but as we are friends i just dont want him flipping out.
im gonna keep it hush hush, but if it comes to it I dont mind him knowing... although im sure he'd be pissed if the house smelled of ganja haha


Well-Known Member
Good plan my man, I kinda have the same issue coming up, my roommate this fall is an old friend who used to smoke alot, but just kinda gave it up. and his last roommate was a daily toker, but as we are friends i just dont want him flipping out.
im gonna keep it hush hush, but if it comes to it I dont mind him knowing... although im sure he'd be pissed if the house smelled of ganja haha
Sounds about right haha