1000 watt grow bulb ventilation questions? need advice

Here is the deal, I am new at growing.. I have a 5 foot wide by 5 foot tall and 12 feet long grow room made of concrete. I started out with a 400 watt open reflector hps with 8 ladies looking real good also using cheap ass walmart ventilation set up. Then I got this bright idea that I should up grade my light didn't think it would be a problem cuz its so cold here, but it turned out to be a bad idea. I bought a 1000 watt hps open reflector light and I fried my plants. I pretty much made an easy bake oven. So I took down the light for now and put on the 400 watt back up. Now my plants look like shit but I think there will be survivers and I have lots of seeds to start again. But my questions are. Is it possible to cool down that 1000 watt for my room using a tube reflector like this http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=48137 and a big ass blower fan like this http://www.htgsupply.com/products.asp?categoryID=7&subcategoryID=39 or do u think I should just give up on the 1000 watt idea. If it possible to cool the light, how close can the plants grow to it? and also shoud I by a tube reflector for the 400 watter and put them on the same line? Or is it impossible to cool that big light down and use it in a small space so to write. any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, facts, appreciate it thanks..
those cool tubes will work wonders. just vent to another room \ the rest of your house , and itll help heat a bit and keep that temp down. be sure to make sure you are on top of the odor, as venting that room out will be smelly. gl peace love respect


Well-Known Member
If you can bore holes in the concrete for intake and exhaust, then it should be eminently doable. You need intake holes at least twice the total diameter of exhaust holes. If you have a cold air source outside, and a high (400+) cfm fan exhausting, a lot of cold air will necessarily be pulled in, and will replace the hot air you're blowing out. You may not even need that cool tube reflector. Also, shell out the extra money for HTG's Variable Speed Controller. It's the single best piece of grow equipment I ever bought. If you're intaking cool winter air, your grow temps are entirely dependent on the external temp, which, in my region, can vary from about 20 below to about 40 above this time of year (especially with this global warming shit). The variable speed controller acts like a thermostat, giving you amazing control over the temperature even when mother nature is throwing all kinds of shit at you. Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
you have plenty of room for a 1000 watt light and the cooltube and inline fan will cool your room considerably. you can get the plants within 6" of the cooltube. you need to think about where you are venting this air and if detection is a risk you'll want to include a carbon filter and these fans are loud so you may need a duct muffler.
thanks alot, lots of information. I'm not to worried about the odor I am on top of that.. i really don't have neighbors. The room is sealed fairly good, i have a 4 inch intake line with a cheap ass walmart fan taped to the end of it lol. It is positon on the far end and runs outside through the earth. I hate to give to much info on here lets say it's underground and I can pump the exhaust or have been up to the small building thats above it.. which is sitting on the far end and you have to walk up steps sort of like an odd two story or small building with a basement that isn't directly under it. It is a nice building.. I was just thinking that i could pump the exhaust into the building and cut some vent holes out the roof then try to hide the heat inside the building by makeing the inside like a two story with a fan inside, or just run the exhaust tube up into the room cut a hole and run it outside but I think that would be more of a target, also would be easier if i used reducer to reduce the exhaust tube lets say after 6 feet, it would make for a smaller hole would that be a problem? Fresh air supply seems good down there and I was wondering if I should spend the extra bucks on a squirrel cage intake fan like a 4 inch 180 cfm somethin like that because the line thats the intake is 4 incher or maybe I should get a reducer and get bigger intake fan? At first I was hesitent to spend more money but now lol i started with a small setup and like always Its GO BIG OR GO HOME so upgrade. So I will purchasing the cool tube and the blower. I think I seen some slighty better and slighty cheaper I will look into that.. As for the electricity It is a 240 wire going to the box and from there it is converted to 120 I sure hope that it can take all the watts.. It is nice fuse box wih old style fuses. at first I blew the 15 amp fuse then I stuck two 30 amp fuses in the box and so far so good any thoughts about what the power consumption or electricty problems that i may encounter.how much it will cost? i figure 100 bucks a least. I was also thinking about getting some nirvanna ak-48?