1000 watt in 4x4 tent


Well-Known Member
To solve that problem, just get a little bigger fan.QUOTE]

Are you using a 1000 watt system too? Because that's a whole new ballgame when you step up to the 1k watter.

If you read my posts, then you will see that I am using a 1000w. And like I said before, its relatively easy to keep these systems cool, as long as you got a decent exhaust fan. I think my fan is rated 170 cfm. Which is hardly the size of a lawnmower tire. I use it to cool the light and run the filter. Absolutely no problems with heat. I keep the light less than 1 foot from the tops. It stays about 75 in my room and inside the tent. A lot of heat in most setups is generated by light absorbtion. When u have a tent like this, There is VERY little light absorbtion, so there is little heat to contend with.
He's probably right about absorbtion. I have (had) a 4x4 tent w/1000 and heat is not a problem at all. The tent is ALWAYS about 2-5 degrees warmer than the garage it's in. It's almost always closed up (2 vents open at the bottom). I have to run a heater in my tent. I have a 8" inline turned down to about 300cfm. I'm replacing it with a 6" HO. Im also putting a thermostat on the hood fan so that the light will heat the tent when it gets cold.

If you have a good tent (GrowLab), a good air-cooled hood (Cool Sun), and a decent fan (Can-Fan), you should not have any problem with heat.


Well-Known Member
how tall are these 4x4 tents/rooms? just wondering cause i was thinking about setting a small room up and saw a 100 watter for cheap but thot that i may not have enuff space above my plants. so i guess my question is wats the minimum ht. requirement for a 1000 watt hps to be above the plant canopy?


Active Member
I am using the one from secret jardin, the dark room 120, and its a lil over 6.5' tall. I dont veg mine long, so heighth isnt really an issue for me. I never open the bottom vents either. Im too lazy to go open and close them at lights on and off, and I dont want light leaking in from there. I just use a little inline fan at the bottom to bring in some fresh air, and i have some ducting hooked up to it as well, to make sure light isnt getting in from there. Its completely dark in the room at lights off, as I have went in the tent and closed it off to see how much light was getting in, and I couldnt even see my hand 2 inches in front of my face. The only time I really have to do anything is at watering time. Other than that, its set it and forget it.


to those who are growing in these tents how are ur grows coming along? i'm growing in one now i'm only 3 weeks in veg this friday i have nine going and all seems to be going good i burnt them the frist week but they are doing ok now ...... ok i'm running a 1000 watter and a vented hood hooked up to a six inch can fan....with that air being pushed out to the addict....i have an eight inch booter fan blowing air in to the tent my room temp is always around 70-77 degrees and my temp inside the tent hit 84.6 today .....so what can i do to keep them lower????besides hook it up to the ac duct....