1000 watt Nirvana Feminized Blackberry, Ice, Urban Poison and New York Power Diesel


Well-Known Member
Ok, so after months of scouring this site for information, i have finally decided to start a grow journal... for the hell of it. I am High right now, off some fire from Hialeah that someone grew, now I will be that someone... Muahaha.... ok


1000 watt Switchable Mh/ Hps cool tube with no fan... bought it on buy.com.... two actually only using one now.


Miracle grow potting soil, not the organic one, just regular for now... I have some Ocean Forest for the 5 gal buckets. 9 plants, 5 bags FFoF, 2 Bags Black Gold perlite to cut. They are in clear plastic cups now, buried beneath the FFoF to hide roots.


Cool ass room that i found and converted... half ass job, small light leaks that need fixing before flowering, need mylar, need an oscillating fan, but do have an AC unit w no filter and white plastic errewhereeee...

ok, as Im high, and forgot what day it is... ill post pics.. yay, PICS!!! (the only thing ppl look at when they open ur thread!)

so these are a few of the room before, during, and after... the seedlings in cups are about 1 week from seed and in the buckets are 11 days in...

oh yea, i dont know which strains are which yet, i wanted to kinda, figure it out... 9 seeds have 11 left... wish me luck



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this is.... day 12, the one in the middle still looks weird.., however it is about 4 days younger than the rest it looks like the seed fused those two leaves together, we'll see what happens. Question, should I base the transplant time on the height of the plant above top cup level (once plant is taller than the height of the cup) or when the root network is super intertwined? Also, it will be week 3 soon, should i commence the 1/4 strength FF growbig regimen in the small cups?



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This is day 14.... everything is looking good, i guess...



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a few pics...3 days until 3 weeks old... and some super sticky shit from somewhere.... thats an oz nug.... damn..... btw should i be starting nutrients soon? and yea, im LST'ing those hoes... i hope it works!



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lol this is it so far... all the seeds are from nirvana,


Unfortunately, none of the plants are labeled. Dont ask.. but i still have 11 seeds left for the next grow which will be labeled. I believe, however, that in the end based on the smoke of each, one will be able to know whats blackberry and whats ice


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day 20. no nutes. LST.



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Ok so i need some help, from anyone... Supposedly, FFoF has all the nutirents a plant needs to sustain 3 weeks of growth. As seen in the pics above, i have plastic cups sitting inside of soil in a 5 gal bucket. I started the seeds in those plastic cups using Miracle grow Potting soil, and they are 22 days old now. According to my fox farms feeding schedule, i should be starting the nutrient regimen now, my question is that if I transplant my plants from the plastic cups into the 5 gallon buckets now, will the FFoF that has just been sitting in the 5gal buckets unwatered, have enough nutrients to sustain more growth before I start the Fox Farms nutrient regimen?


Well-Known Member
So i transplanted these guys last night and came back today. they look good for the most part, and im starting to see new growth shoots from the lower branches... its cool to see the lst working lol ill have pics up 2morrow


Well-Known Member
thank you sir, heres some more pics.... 3 weeks 3 days, transplanted from cups to 5 gallons... no nutes, only one plant seems to have droopy leaves. I assume now they will start to shoot up.. and you can see the side growth starting in pic 6, so happy when i saw that lol, i was like "SHIT! LST WORKED!"



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i started training them 3 days before 3 weeks from seed, so at 2 weeks and 4 days in. I just staked them down with bent clothes hangers and they reacted well, when i came back, they had grown and the top was pointing back up to the light.


Hey man I am doing the blackberry too. It has been a great easy growing plant. I would suggest topping it early. I topped mine after about a month and they are getting real tall now. Also some of the blackberry tends to strech big time. I mean like i had two of them right next to eachother and one streched like a good 8-12 inchs the other maybe 4-6 inches. I like the strain though really hearty. I will be paying attn to this and see how yours do in soil. I am in a ebb and flow setup. I am still waiting to see if it changes into the dark purple color it is supposed to be. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
thanks alot man, i dont know if you saw, but this grow is unlabeled unfortunately.. high mistakes... but im pretty sure the strains will be identifiable once theyre well on theyre way to flowering.. i have three that are showing substantial growth, which may be the blackberry because thats the only strain of which i put 3 beans in, the rest 2. We'll see though, how far are you into your grow? And ive been LSTing them, should i be topping also?


Well i didn't lst them i just topped them at the 4th node. That worked pretty well. I just don't have any experience with the lst thing. But i let one of my 5 blackberries just grow and didn't top or anything so i pretty much have every method going with this group to see what works best. I also fimmed one of them and it ened up just looking like it was topped. Once i get to a point where i can honestly say what worked best on them i will let you know. I only have about a month and a half left in flower so i will know the true outcome in weight.