1000w Medicinal tent Grow


Well-Known Member
I am brand new to the forum and also new to growing with soil. Several years ago i used to grow hydro but this time i would like to grow in soil.
I recently got permission to legally produce my own medicinal marijuana and have set up a 1.5m x 1.5m x 2m grow tent with a 1000w hps. I have put a lot of thought into how i have set up the tent but would welcome any new ideas.

1000w HPS
8" Cool tube
6" Inline fan, passive intake
Can 50
1.5m x 1.5m x2m tent

All the plants are an unknown strain but its supposed to be real tastey. Except one pot has two seedlings from "the purps" i also have one female that was on my balcony with males and got pollenated this is also "the purps" I am trying to get her finished so i can harvest her seeds.


I plan to keep a journal in here with weekly updates to help keep a log and in hopes that i can get some help if any issues arrise.
Please ask any questions or offer any advice or input that may help me along the way.

In the pictures you will notice that the filter is not attached I will attach it when the smell gets worse.


Heres the tent and everything else! Let me know what you all think!




Well-Known Member
I got a sample pack of the "General Organics" nutrients. I do want to uses as few chemicals as possible, does anyone have experience with these?


Well-Known Member
Plants are growing very well, I think the "general Organics" nutrients are working well. I've decided to get rid of a few plants to bring my count well below 15. My limit is 15 and i want room for vegging plants, clones...etc. So I'll put 6 in flower at a time with a longer veg cycle. I would like to do a perpetual harvest but I don't think it will work well with larger plants and then bringing new smaller ons.

I'll post more pictures tonight after work.


Well-Known Member
I like your set-up, how does your light work temp wise? is it 1000W? I'm curious to see how this goes, enjoy the journey.
Thanks man, Plus rep for the comment. :)
The temperature seems steady around 80 with the lights on. It is 1000w with an 8" cooltube, the fan blowing through it is a 6"inline rated at 435 CFM. It is in my garage so it gets cool air from outside, as it gets cooler temps are going to get only easier to control. i have a heater if needed. An AC unit next summer will be needed for sure.


Well-Known Member
So i am pretty sure that all the clones are Kandy Kush should be really tasty. As i said earlier i also have some "purps" seedlings that have yet to shown sex. I am going to take some pictures now and will post them up in a bit


Well-Known Member
I have been neglecting this thread, I flipped to flowering 5 days ago. I also had spider mites and took care of them with AVID. The plants are now in 5 gallon pots.

Here is a few pictures of the setup. I welcome all comments and ideas +rep for stopping by


Well-Known Member
hey, nice setup. i got a question what are you doing to keep co2 ppm at right level or are they doing fine without co2 ? or are you exchanging air with outside air ?
Hey man, +rep for stopping by. I am not adding any co2 and they seem to be doing fine. It is in my garage so outside air sneaks in around the garage doors, I run it overnight to keep temps around 79 and during dark time my temps get to 70.


Active Member
alright man, actually im about to put a 50 plant setup in action but ill seal the room completly (dooors and windows) so co2 is must for that kind of setup. anyways man goood luck with ur plants, are ur plants showing you any serious bud developement or just leaves ?


Well-Known Member
Only been flowering for 5 days, so only starting to show flowers. And yeah with a sealed setup co2 fer sure.


Well-Known Member
So what do I have to do to get more comments on journal? I guess I'll wait till i got some monster Kandy Kush colas to get some discussion?


Active Member
Just stumbled on this. Hows it comming now that its 6 weeks later probably about to clip?? I started a journal and not many replies. I think its cause its under the journal section. I might move it over to the indoor growing section. Hope its working out


Active Member
What happened i was enjoying reading this journal SWIM is looking to start a similar set up to you with the 1.5 x 1.5 ten and the air cooled shade. how did it go in the end?? i know its 5 years late. did you have any issues with heat in the end after the ladies bushed out?? could you see the heat being a problem if the set up was indoors and not in your garage?