1000w SCROG (5x5 Space), 4xChocolope, 3xJack47, 1xPineapple Express


Active Member
Day 11

Changed the res today--boosted the PPMs up to 1300 which is where they'll stay for the rest of flowering. Still running the LUCAS formula with a Voodoo Juice and Floralicious Plus additive. Plants are loving it and continue to thrive.

Stay tuned for a pic update soon.



Active Member
Day 12

Same as before, however did some major lower canopy trimming. Cut almost everything beneath the screen off, however I left a little for a later date cuz I didn't want to over-cut and hurt the plants. I also rearranged the nodes to fill all of the spaces in the screen. I think I'm mostly going to leave them alone at this point and let them grow through the screen--it's been almost two weeks since they've been kicked into flowering. Obviously I'll still need to do SOME rearranging and tucking under but for the most part every space in the screen now has a node.

I'm really happy with the way this is turning out. At first I was worried about doing a SCROG because I've never done one before, but it's actually turning out to be easier than I originally thought. It's a lot of work getting to the plants in the back (as far as trimming), and I do have to spend a lot of time working on the screen, but it's not difficult; just tedious. However I believe it'll all be worth it in the end.

In the pics you'll notice that the front plant on the right didn't get a haircut like the rest of the plants. This is the Pineapple Express, and because she's not as developed as the others, I didn't want to cut more than 30% of her foliage right away.






Well-Known Member
Yep I'd leave them b at this pt. I usually stop training about 10 days in 12/12. Looks like your set to explode, nice first scrog!


Active Member
Thanks! Yea I'm excited--definitely looks like it's going to turn out great (knock on wood). Plus this is the fun part...not too much work left on the SCROG part, just gotta sit back and watch things develop!



Active Member
VooDoo Juice by Advanced Nutrients fixed that problem for me.
Yea I've been adding Voodoo Juice regularly for the first 2 weeks of both the vegging/flowering phase. After those first two weeks I switch to H202, which I know kills the beneficial bacteria but it also keeps the rez clean and kills off all of the bad shit as well. I'm still using voodoo juice at the moment, but I'll probably switch back to H202 within the next week or so.



Active Member
Day 13

Topped off the res today...there was only 16-17 gallons in it. Mind you I changed it 2 days ago on October 11th...and I filled it with 22 gallons. That means they've drank 5-6 gallons in TWO days. Must be thirsty Thursday.

I kept the numbers the same and the PPMs are stable around 1330. Added a 20 mL of Voodoo Juice--prolly for the last time before I switch to H202.



Active Member
Day 14

Thought I'd post a few more pics--

Definitely shooting up since I let them grow freely through the screen.




Active Member
Day 17

Picture update! Looking good as usual, tops are jetting out all over the place. Too many to count but well over 100 as you can see. I counted over 40 in just the first two rows of openings in the screen. Looking pretty good!

I also raised the light this morning to keep it away from the tops and distribute the light a little more evenly to the outside areas of the screen.

It's also tough keeping the rez topped off cause these plants are drinking so much damn water. Put in another 5 gallons yesterday morning and it's almost back to the previous levels....5 gallons in one day...can that possibly be right? Thirsty fuckers.

BTW, I'm a huge StL Cardinals fan and I can't help but express my excitement.......WE'RE GOING TO WORLD SERIES!! :-D

