100X times MORE THC


Active Member
I heard that if you feed your plants fresh blood, by dripping a few drops in the soil, the THC becomes way more potent. sometime like 100X TIMES MORE THC...
I wanted to know if anyone heard the same thing, or if anyone actually went as far as trying it...


some one is pulling your chain......i have used blood meal but not to increase potency...just for nitrogen..LOL


New Member
he signed up just to ask that,,, lol i would also have to say somebody is yankin ya.. but go ahead and sacrifice a few goats or something.... or maybe you have a cat you dont like :P


Well-Known Member
the blood thing could actually be true.before u dis this,hear me out;lets say theres a deer walking through the forest,and dies of natural causes.as the body lays there to rest and decays the flesh and blood begins to break down leaving the fluids to remain,thus including blood,but yes this is among other fluids,and remnants.so there for intermittinly objectifying the purposed statement and by assosiation the blood is included into the original statement.Now what happens to the decayed sight i might ask,well as it becomes one with the soil,new life will begin by a rouge seed.when that said seed germinates,it will grow quickly and with vigorous growth.as the plant matures and to starts to flower,it to will benefit from thus said organic and rich nutrients.by benefiting from the soil it would fruit with blooms to come.so i think u should go with it and try putting blood in the mix.it will work no matter what,it will either benefit the plant or it will benefit the soil.just try it.

just a thought.
my bong told me to say it.


Active Member
I bet the guy that told you that shit blood after pushing that steaming load!

Lol, I believed some estrogen bulls**t back in the day too....


Active Member
the blood thing could actually be true.before u dis this,hear me out;lets say theres a deer walking through the forest,and dies of natural causes.as the body lays there to rest and decays the flesh and blood begins to break down leaving the fluids to remain,thus including blood,but yes this is among other fluids,and remnants.so there for intermittinly objectifying the purposed statement and by assosiation the blood is included into the original statement.Now what happens to the decayed sight i might ask,well as it becomes one with the soil,new life will begin by a rouge seed.when that said seed germinates,it will grow quickly and with vigorous growth.as the plant matures and to starts to flower,it to will benefit from thus said organic and rich nutrients.by benefiting from the soil it would fruit with blooms to come.so i think u should go with it and try putting blood in the mix.it will work no matter what,it will either benefit the plant or it will benefit the soil.just try it.

just a thought.
my bong told me to say it.
Nice, very bong inspired im sure!


Well-Known Member
Ok. I fooled around the first time, but now I'm not joking.

I have had a friend tell me that if you put period blood, its more potent than regular blood. You know, of coarse, that the estrogen amplifies the THC!



Well-Known Member
thats fucking sick.......cmon period blood mmblaahhhhh:spew:

mmmm i've always wanted fishy smelling plants

just go and get some blood meal ......all it is, is dried up blood, ground up into powder.


Well-Known Member
I heard that if you feed your plants fresh blood, by dripping a few drops in the soil, the THC becomes way more potent. sometime like 100X TIMES MORE THC...
I wanted to know if anyone heard the same thing, or if anyone actually went as far as trying it...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....... for fuck's sake...


Well-Known Member
I heard that if you poop in the soil where you plant is growing it grows 100x more bud.

True story.
well it might be more viable than blood since its "manure" although Im not sure how well human manure would work. but come on... at least SHIT has a place in the world of horticulture!


Well-Known Member
I heard that if you feed your plants fresh blood, by dripping a few drops in the soil, the THC becomes way more potent. sometime like 100X TIMES MORE THC...
I wanted to know if anyone heard the same thing, or if anyone actually went as far as trying it...

Total Falsehood