12/12 from seed showing sex in 3rd week??


Active Member
I will post pics about this later i just saw this this morning before work. I did a test on a seed to try and do 12/12 all the way through. the SEEDLING is already showing pretty long white hairs i mean its like 2.5-3 weeks old and it blows my mind. Has anyone done a 12/12 from seed and seen this?i mean its a big time baby still with and its on ly working on its 3rd set of baby leaves (the leaves only have 3 fingers!)

Id also like to know if i could switch that plant back into 18/6 or just leave it. I just want to know in case I change my mind tonight because it is a female and i dont want it to topple over when it gets its buds.

strain is serious seeds bubble gum by the way and in soil.


Well-Known Member
One of my plants is 12/12 from seed and showed sex at about 4 weeks. It's on it's 10th week now and only two inches shorter than my other two girls. 12/12 from seed can be done. Just needs good lighting and perfect conditions and little extra time to mature.

I'd keep it in 12/12 there's always a chance when you revert it, that it might go Hermi on you (which knowone wants) As long as you've got a fan on it, it should become strong enough to hold it's bud, if not just use a stick to support it.

Good luck... Keep us posted.



Well-Known Member
i did the same thing ..but my plants hasnt shown sex yet only a couple of them but the sativas since its 10 weeks flowering it aint gonna show fast......from what i read its not a good idea they say its gonna flower about the same time anyway youre just wasting days giving it 12 instead of 18


Well-Known Member
i did the same thing ..but my plants hasnt shown sex yet only a couple of them but the sativas since its 10 weeks flowering it aint gonna show fast......from what i read its not a good idea they say its gonna flower about the same time anyway youre just wasting days giving it 12 instead of 18
i have a sativa that been on 12/12 since seed and its done very good showed sex at 32 days old now its 52 days old and is 19 inchs tall with big thick white buds on it!!!!!