12/12 from seed to harvest

okay not bein a troll or nothin but whoever the dude is sayin 12/12 from seed is shit and a waste of time...go get some knowledge bro cuz like ganjapussy said we could always get del to tell you wats up...look at his thread...this dude does 12/12 from seed and probly has beeter plants than you ever had...and btw nobody ever has a perfect setup with perfect plants. ganjapussy and chucky..thank you for knowing ur asshole from a whole in the ground unlike this other dude lol...toke it up boys


Well-Known Member
Constructive criticism and even some ribbing is fine, but to think you have perfect everything and try to say you have perfect everything is just cocky and says you probably won't listen to somebody who tries to help.<br>I have seen many a nice grow since I've been here, and a few bad ones like mine too.<br>I know I don't have the best, but I also know there's a few out there with more problems than I have.There are always somebody like us right now, experimenting with one thing or another, and that's how we learn.


Active Member
Quick question, do you use veg nutes until they show sex/flowers, then switch to flower nutes? I just found out about this method and threw 11 seeds in paper towels (check my sig). Im super excited and want to make sure I'm prepared/do it correctly for the best results.


Well-Known Member
Quick question, do you use veg nutes until they show sex/flowers, then switch to flower nutes? I just found out about this method and threw 11 seeds in paper towels (check my sig). Im super excited and want to make sure I'm prepared/do it correctly for the best results.
Here you go, if you don't want to read what is below, then I'll say it now. you can use veg nutes through flower and still get good results.

Here is a nice tip for you new growers that pack your plants full of P (Phosphorus) When you start to see buds!!

The High P Myth - The Overuse of Phosphorous in Hydroponics
It has been shown that phosphorous (P) is possibly overused by many hydroponic growers. Tissue tests conducted in 2003 by Advanced Nutrients through BC Research Inc on numerous cannabis strains demonstrated that cannabis plants require far less P than is present in many hydroponic nutrient formulations and additives. The tissue tests also demonstrated that N, Ca and K are required at far higher levels than P and P, while required at somewhat higher levels in bloom than grow (as is shown in numerous studies), is required at far lower levels than would be expected. Another surprising outcome was N requirements in flower (re cannabis) were higher than previously believed. These findings contradicted conventional beliefs among hydro industry professionals and others that high levels of phosphorous are required to achieve optimal flowerset in hydroponic settings (among other things). [SUP]1[/SUP]
In recent trials conducted by several US based medical growers, it was shown that optimal P levels in DTW/RTW coco were at approximately 60ppm during mid to late bloom. This figure was shown to be similar in soils &#8211; with as low as 40ppm of P in soil producing extremely good results.

While these trials lacked what would be considered standard scientific qualitative checks and measures (eg. no control was used to measure outcomes with higher and lower ranges of P in side-by-side trials) what became apparent over several months and several crop cycles was, 1) low P in solution (approx 20-25ppm) helped to reduce stretch and shorten internode gaps (setting up better plant structure) during the first weeks of the 12/12 flower cycle, 2) no yield benefits were obtained above 60ppm P and 3) resin production was optimal at 60ppm of P and seemed unaffected at even lower levels in both soil and coco (<40ppm). [SUP]2[/SUP]
Similar findings with tomato crops grown in soilless culture support these findings.

According to Spensley et al.,[SUP]3[/SUP] a typical nutrient solution for tomato production has the following composition: N: 150-200 ppm, P: 30- 40 ppm, K: 200-300 ppm, Mg: 40-50 ppm, Ca: 150-200 ppm and Fe: 5 ppm. Moreover, Winsor and Massey noticed that yield of tomato fruit was reduced significantly by low potassium concentration. [SUP]4[/SUP]
What these findings suggests is that many manufacturers of hydroponic nutrients and additives have their NPK profiles wrong and that an optimized PK additive should contain higher levels of K to P than is typically found in the vast majority of Potash products.


Well-Known Member
I did not know this, until recently. One of my plants was lacking and I threw like 3 bud boosters at it which basically dropped a P nuke on my plant and pretty much did nothing, maybe even stunted my plant slightly.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to switch over, some people do it at the flip, and others wait until 2 weeks after, then change nutes.


Well-Known Member
Sorry. My mistake, completely forgot how this thread started 6 pages ago :)
Yes, I gave mine MG all purpose food from about mid June until end of August when I got some 0-15-11 for them, and after that, Only once in a while when my Sativa wanted N.
If you go 12/12 from seed, yours will probably turn out better than mine did, because I only had a flourescent tube about 4 feet high for the first month or so after they popped, then they went outside.


Well-Known Member
Have you looked into mainlining/bonsai? If your short for space its a better method.

Here is a blue widow I have been working on for a while and soon to be flowered.


And here are some bigger girls in flower.


It will allow you to veg it to build a good root system before flowering.


Well-Known Member
lol, I think new growers get very excited and post every single day then just lose interest and stop paying attention to their plant everyday.


Well-Known Member
i do a perpetual 12/12 from a seed grow. i start a new plant every week and eventually i get a cycle going where im harvesting 1 plant each week. each plant puts out about 1.5-2 ounces under my 400 watt hps.


New Member
Some people are born assholes, others have to work at it, I personally, strive to be perfect at it, but thanks for the credit.

Where do you find the good Chucky pics? I can't find anymore good ones..........
For that one I googled "chucky behind the wheel" trying to be punny since you said we drove him off. Thought of that scene in the seed.. But found this and laughed