12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
Ok i've read on many forum's 12/12 gives you a small yield of one main bud cola. i would like to see some clear results there's been alot of claims so if anyone has a grow journal let me know or give your advise here. oh and i know 18/6 is better and all that so if you came in here to post something like that don't bother. Strickly for people with results with 12/12 from seed growing!:joint:


Well-Known Member
yea there nice. my older plants has shown sex my lights are off or i would get pics the ones on 12/12 from seed are about as big as her and devolping the internodes or whatever there called lol but havn't sown sex yet but there only 2 weeks old and surpirizingly growing very fast. using some high N and potash and pottasuim fert along with superthrive.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i will get the pics up tommorrow the 1 is silverhaze/whiterhyno and she is the showing pistils and about 12'' i put her under 12/12 when she was 8'' the other 5 that are 12/12 from seed are 2 weeks old and are almost as big as her. i'm using 2 daylight cfl''s in the middle of all of them and 4 48'' warmwhite floro's for the tops keep them very close and in a confined space barly big enuff for everything to fit lol. i have a pic of the growbox tho here it is oh yeah and a pic of the girl before she went under 12/12



Well-Known Member
i don't know 420 man but i hope the theard will answer alot of questions. but i am def. gonna start my own 12/12 grow journal and keep poeple posted because there seems to be such a lack of information about it


Well-Known Member
I did it & was none too impressed,im not johnny pro grower so take what i say about this for what it is,my experience & my experience only,ive read about people having excellent results doing this but my results sucked.

I had not intended to try this,i was starting 100% from seed but due to reading a thread that teaches the perpetual sog method i switched gears mid grow,i had some seedlings that i decided to just throw into flower with everything else since i would not need them any longer after moving to all clones.

I ended up with plants that grew very strangely with uneven internode spacing & very small buds,the colas were none too impressive either,they grew bud but the yeild was so small for the floor space & lighting being used i'll never do it again.

When i compare the yeild from the immature seedlings with where im at right now using clones from sexually mature plants there is no comparison,the clones are the hands down winner in yeild & in plant structure.


Well-Known Member
12/12 doesen't affect potency at all...but yield,well of course because your skipping the vegg process but you can make up for that by planting more plants in the space that the bigger plants would have took up:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well so far my stem growth seems very strong there getting stick normal looking plants but i don't know i don't even have a fan in there yet but there not weak at all my buddy works at a paintball place and been getting free co2 from him maybe that helping them devolp faster.....


Well-Known Member
yes,the more you veg,the more yield,so if you veg for a couple weeks it be better because your going to get more yield and still have small plants....but 12/12 from seed you can make up the lost yield with more plants if you have the neccessary space


Well-Known Member
i have 2.5 foot space tall to grow, and about 3 feet by 2 feet of room at the bottom

doing 12 12 from seed how many do you think i can fit?

and if i veg for 2-3 weeks then do it how many do ya think?


Well-Known Member
4rom seed,you shoud get about 6-9 plants....and with a few weeks of vegging you may fit a max of 5 plants


Well-Known Member
no way 6 to 9 plants in a place that small for just starting at 12/12

that seems impossible lol

im talking like a rubbermaid container


Well-Known Member
lol, it could work if you get the right sized pots...i just did a quick measurment.....but does anyone else know how many plants could fit in a
3 x 2 room?


Well-Known Member
OK here are some pics there one thats not as wide and is more bushy looking is the older one and the other are the ones that are 2 weeks old and almost as big also i tired to get a picture of the pistils on the older one but it's not that clear. i have a video of them when they were 1 week old and on 12/12 but it won't let me put it up =(

