12/12 Light Cycle and Growing From Seed


Well-Known Member
so he will be dead in 11 weeks? you only have to pollinat one female.... so he will have to wait 2 weeks after his first harvest to get his seeds from th mom plant. and i saw it looked like i was bein an ass so i edited. sorry.
No probs, and all I know is he want a way of producing 2oz a week without seperate growing and with no money, which is why I suggested my method. by the way do you rate lowrdyer highly I havent grown any auto flowering strains, but they seem to get bad reviews on here!


Well-Known Member
i have only seen one bad review from some one who has actualy grown them.... and there lowryder 2's.

he could get 2 oz a week from three average lr2's...... so a total of 27 girls constantly.


Well-Known Member
i have only seen one bad review from some one who has actualy grown them.... and there lowryder 2's.

he could get 2 oz a week from three average lr2's...... so a total of 27 girls constantly.
maybe I will give them a go how many would you put in 1 m2 from your experience to get good results -16?


Well-Known Member
welcome...............your plants will start the flowering process from day 1 and if your seedlings have enough power to grow at all while trying to bud, you're going to have tiny tiny sickly buds I would say. I wouldn't even bother to try personally.

can't you just change your light timer later once you've vegged, and do it in the same room...? you don't HAVE to have 2 rooms.

Another guy giving advice about something he has never tried.... It really depends on what kind of light your using... Don't expect anywhere close to a huge yield. But you can produce a small amount of quality bud.

Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
Originally Posted by sens1
welcome...............your plants will start the flowering process from day 1 and if your seedlings have enough power to grow at all while trying to bud, you're going to have tiny tiny sickly buds I would say. I wouldn't even bother to try personally.

Another guy giving advice about something he has never tried.... It really depends on what kind of light your using... Don't expect anywhere close to a huge yield. But you can produce a small amount of quality bud.
Thank you so much for this post. I have a space that is about 15 sq/ft, or about 2.9 sq/meters, and enough light to give you a sunburn while you are working on the plants in the room and I have had decent luck with the few experiments I've tried so far. It's great to get idea's from people, instead of being told that you just can't do it:spew:. So, A GREAT THANKS :peace::joint:to all of those who have given idea's of any kind what-so-ever.....and well, those who had no ideas and just gave up on the idea, must be so imaginative that fun for them is "like playing a game of ""marco-polo"" with Helen Keller":mrgreen::twisted:

Peace, Love and Tie Dye,


Well-Known Member
well you've convinced me to try a small grow journal on this

ill make a small rubbermaid case and try it out, look for it in 2 weeks,

12/12 grow from the start, ill write down everything i do, so people can see


Well-Known Member
Another guy giving advice about something he has never tried.... It really depends on what kind of light your using... Don't expect anywhere close to a huge yield. But you can produce a small amount of quality bud.
I've never tryed punching you in the face either, but I'm damn sure it would feel great... It's call analytical reasoning, logic, general experience and educated guesswork. we basically said the same thing anyway, you just sugur coated your post with the word 'quaility' whereas I was more honest with the word 'sickly'. blacklisted ahahahahh


Well-Known Member
biggles: I was only trying to offer you some advice, as asked for, and you insult me? I never said you can't do it I just said it's a shit idea, and I stand by that. hrmm lets all flower our seedlings and after that we can all go play hide and go fuck yourself, yaaaaaay. oh my dime bag of yield is ready to harvest. yaaaaaaaaay. blacklisted also idiot


Well-Known Member
biggles: I was only trying to offer you some advice, as asked for, and you insult me? I never said you can't do it I just said it's a shit idea, and I stand by that. hrmm lets all flower our seedlings and after that we can all go play hide and go fuck yourself, yaaaaaay. oh my dime bag of yield is ready to harvest. yaaaaaaaaay. blacklisted also idiot
You talk ignorantly and naively on a subject that you merely guess at, I grow 12/12 permanently and dont have sickly buds my main colas usaully weigh 10-15grams dry so how is that sickly?

Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
biggles: I was only trying to offer you some advice, as asked for, and you insult me? I never said you can't do it I just said it's a shit idea, and I stand by that. hrmm lets all flower our seedlings and after that we can all go play hide and go fuck yourself, yaaaaaay. oh my dime bag of yield is ready to harvest. yaaaaaaaaay. blacklisted also idiot
I have given you "props" for many things that you have told me. Not only in posts, but I have given you so much reputation, that the system won't let me give you any more until I give others more...SO GET OFF YOUR BAD SELF AND CALM DOWN....."YOU INSULT ME"...WHAT IS THIS..."THE SOPRANO'S". Stop acting provocational. We're all here trying to figure out a dofferent way to successfully grow weed and you are just SHITTING ON OUR PARADE. You are obviously interested in the subject...because you are still here at the thread. So, you can either, SHUT UP, PUT UP, HELP and BE A PLEASANT part of this thread...or yes...you can (paraphrase)....."Take you dimebag of yield and go play a game of hide and go fuck yourself" !!!!! BOTTOM line, be NICE or FUCK OFF....I do not deal with NEGATIVITY...which right now you seem to be spewing, and being an outright ASSHOLE....ENOUGH SAID !!!!



Well-Known Member
You talk ignorantly and naively on a subject that you merely guess at, I grow 12/12 permanently and dont have sickly buds my main colas usaully weigh 10-15grams dry so how is that sickly?
hey what do you grow? how do you grow it? and how tall do your plants usually get going 12/12?

Thanks man


Well-Known Member
hey what do you grow? how do you grow it? and how tall do your plants usually get going 12/12?

Thanks man
Ive been growing white widow for a long time now, in a home made flood and drain setup 3ft by 3ft with 5 plants positioned 1 in each corner and one in the center,They finish at about 2 feet tall and usually yield 2 dryed ounces per plant. I have just swapped strains though to THC bomb and I am2 weeks into flower, they were only germed on 7th march and they are currently 1 foot tall and have just finished there 1st week flowering spurt so should finish at about 2 ft. Took clones off them on Monday.


Well-Known Member
at least 36
The main reason I havent grown this strain is the need/temptation to grow lots which goes against my legal worries as in Uk if you get caught growing with under 6 plants there has never been anybody so far that has been given custodial sentence and the most likely you will get is a caution+ no fine.


Well-Known Member
in hydro it would be less, they get bushier in hydro... so prolly about 27 in a set up like you have.... you can expect an oz average if you are a good grower. that average includes the small pheno's.


Well-Known Member
I've never tryed punching you in the face either, but I'm damn sure it would feel great... It's call analytical reasoning, logic, general experience and educated guesswork. we basically said the same thing anyway, you just sugur coated your post with the word 'quaility' whereas I was more honest with the word 'sickly'. blacklisted ahahahahh

Or I am more honest because I have done 12/12 grows, put it on 24/7 for about 8-10 days, then give it the 12/12. Depending on what kind of light you have you can produce 2-3 g's to 7-10.. probably more depending on the kind of light...I'm not claiming to have produced oz's on 12/12 but I used only a couple 26W cfls over it and grew some DIIIIZAAANK. I just threw it in with my other ladies because I was planning on throwing them in flower..

You friend... are a douche bag.