13"+ of rain....doesn't look good

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I had scouted out this G.Grow site 5 months ago near a fairly benign little creek here in the Volunteer state. I was fairly careful to look for any signs of significant flooding in the past, logs, tree limbs and other evidence of erosion and was satisfied that this was a good site. I didn't anticipate getting a tropical depression dumping over 13" inches on them when they were planted 3 weeks ago. In fact, we were in the middle of a "mini-drought" and we were behind on rainfall by about 3"-4" year to date. I was actually concerned that they might be getting a little drought stressed before we got 3.5" of rain last weekend. Watching the local news this a.m. I learned that in the county they are located in, every major road is closed due to flooding.
The plants are (hopefully not "were") GHS's S.Lemon Haze and Cheese with some select bagseed plants that I had sexed weeks ago. The creek was approx. 35' away with a 12' drop to the water and I planted them on slightly elevated spots but I have fears that they are under water as I type this. More raining falling right now and more predicted. It may be several days before I can even have access to the site so hopefully the worst I will have to do is prop them up but,for all I know they are downstream right now. At least I have 2 mothers and some early clones from the major strains. Just venting.


Well-Known Member
12' foot is alot to rise. but you know the area better than i. id be just as worried about them drowning, ive had that happen with plants a month old,it rained for ten days or more they just died. that was a week after planting so they probly didnt have new firm roots. well im making this any better for you good luck man