14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President


Well-Known Member
Excuse me, my last post COMPLETELY answers your question, AND destroys your position. Next time you might want to actually READ the reply before you post like you still have a valid position.



Well-Known Member
No it doesn't and you are nothing but a liar. You repeat the greatest lie of the year. And it isn't just Politico that has detailed that you are nothing but a liar. There is no Take Over. Now go get insurance and quit being a bum.


Well-Known Member
Again, (try to display some skill beyond cutting and pasting) what specific part of HC did the Government take over? Y ou have failed to answer that simple question. Let's make it multiple choice and see if that helps you learn something.

HCR bill gave the Government control to take over which aspects of HC?

1) Hospitals?
2) Insurance Companies?
3) Doctors' offices?
4) Medical Plans?
5) None of the Above?


Well-Known Member
Oh I see, the Al Gore method of debate. The debate is over, to hell with the fact I exposed your position as purely semantical. Sorry, we don't all get our marching orders from the MSM. You are a fool of the highest order. The good news is, in your Marxist Utopia, halfwit cretins like you will be shot.

I have insurance with Blue Cross/Blue Shield and it's fantastic, how's yours? My back surgery cost me a total of $1300, including my deductible, no changes needed here, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Again, (try to display some skill beyond cutting and pasting) what specific part of HC did the Government take over? Y ou have failed to answer that simple question. Let's make it multiple choice and see if that helps you learn something.

HCR bill gave the Government control to take over which aspects of HC?

1) Hospitals?
2) Insurance Companies?
3) Doctors' offices?
4) Medical Plans?
5) None of the Above?
You make it too easy. ALL OF THEM.

If you control their resources and policies, you have taken them over. DUH.


Well-Known Member
You say it is a government take over yet you cannot TYPE what the Government took over.

That's a YOU problem. The Answer was 5 by the way. Unless you would like to contribute to the discussion and TYPE what you THINK the Government has taken over. It is your belief. It shouldn't be too hard for you to type what you think the Government has taken over. Why won't you simply do that?

What did the Government take over?


Well-Known Member
You make it too easy. ALL OF THEM.

If you control their resources and policies, you have taken them over. DUH.
You are too immature to have a serious conversation with. "ALL OF THEM!!!!!!" You don't have any idea of what you are crying about.


Well-Known Member
If you pass legislation that DIRECTLY controls the purse strings and DIRECTLY controls the policies of those four you listed, well then without playing a game of semantics (as you are) then they have taken them over.

Not sure why such a simple concept is beyond your comprehension. Sucks to be you.


Well-Known Member
You still buy your care from private providers who still make all of the decisions, they're just limited by all of the new regulations put in place; You're trying to change the accepted difference between public and private.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait for Rick Perry to try to defend his comments the way you try to. He would be laughed out of adulthood.


Well-Known Member
Rick Perry as President? Wouldn't that be like sending Bush Jr Jr Jr ( the second Jr is Obama)back into that role? What would be different? Ron Paul is our last hope I fear.


Well-Known Member
Perry would be Bush's 3rd term.

Bush would have never made the bums in this country buy their own HC insurance.


Well-Known Member
Perry would be Bush's 3rd term.

Bush would have never made the bums in this country buy their own HC insurance.
Do you really believe 12 million illegals that don't want any body to know that they are here are going to buy HC. And what school did you say you went too. LMFAO


Well-Known Member
Anyone that thinks Perry's job record is impressive is incredibly ignorant. That's not going to stop them from being so though.


This Country won't fall for an Evangelical Gov of Texas again. That would be like electing Bush to a Third Term. Only 33% of Americans are dumb enough to do that again. You know who you are.

Oddly enough I find myself agreeing with you. Rick Perry is another tool of the establishment, this "buzz" about him is media generated and will die out as soon as Perry tries to compete in a debate with the likes of true patriots like Cain, Paul, and arguably Gingrich. He'll be doing the same shit Romney is, stuttering for answer and dodging questions. I feel like the GOP debates are largley and twisted game of dodge ball.


Well-Known Member
Oddly enough I find myself agreeing with you. Rick Perry is another tool of the establishment, this "buzz" about him is media generated and will die out as soon as Perry tries to compete in a debate with the likes of true patriots like Cain, Paul, and arguably Gingrich. He'll be doing the same shit Romney is, stuttering for answer and dodging questions. I feel like the GOP debates are largley and twisted game of dodge ball.
ever wonder why they feel the need to dodge the questions??

perhaps is b/c they have no good answer??????????????????


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen Cain or Paul dodge many questions at all. Boy, I've sure seen our last two press secretarys dodging like they're on team Average Joes, competing on ESPN 8... The OCHO.