150HPS Mazar-I-Sharif Grow (Plenty of pics)


Well-Known Member
This is my third grow and my first with a good camera. :mrgreen: Anyhow, while I'm waiting to get some good seeds I decided to plant my remaining freebie Mazar-I-Sharif seeds I got from SeedBoutique. I've grew one of these last time and it produced massive thirteen point leaves and smelled like grape koolaid. However, I ended up killing off the flowering plant because I needed more room for my WW's. I plan on letting these babies go the whole grow this time. Anyhow, Let's get down to what everyone wants, pics!

The grow room. It's a closet with a 150HPS and a single 42w CFL. From my previous grow I learned Miracle Grow nutes absolutely suck and the only use for the nutes is to make a stand out of the box for a 42w CFL, lol. For this grow I'm using FF Ocean Forrest soil. For nutes I'm using FF Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom.

You'll notice a bit of nute burn. I started nutes a bit early. :(

That's it. I've got nearly 600w of CFL's on standby for when they get bigger. However, I'm not looking to get big plants. In fact, I just switched them to 12/12 yesterday. I'm hoping I get at least two females but only time will tell.

How are they looking?

Bonus shot of some WW kief I'm about to toke thanks to all the advice given at this forum:




Well-Known Member
looksa good my friend cant wait for some bud porn:hump:...if i were your i would sprinkle that keif in a joint and smoke the fuck out of it.....gets you retarded


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Sadly, I'm out of bud though. I've got a couple food storage bags of WW leaves caked in THC though. This $10 keif box has paid for itself and then some. I've been smoking keif for weeks. I got a good pipe with a screen perfect for it. :eyesmoke:


I am working on a paper on pilgrimage in Islam at the moment. Apparently Mazar-i-sharif is what they call the place where Ali (one of Muhammad's decedents) is buried. It means "tomb of the exalted" Just in case you were wondering.


Well-Known Member
I am working on a paper on pilgrimage in Islam at the moment. Apparently Mazar-i-sharif is what they call the place where Ali (one of Muhammad's decedents) is buried. It means "tomb of the exalted" Just in case you were wondering.
Pretty cool. According to Gypsy, the owner of SeedBoutique, these seeds were given to him by a British soldier who obtained them directly from Mazari Sharif, Afghanistan. (A city which is famous for it's hashish) Who knows if that's true though.

From what I've read/seen this strain has a bad leaf-to-bud ratio but the bud you do get is a classic, hard hitting indica stone. It should be interesting to see what I get. They already are a little stinky when I open the closet. :)


Pretty cool. According to Gypsy, the owner of SeedBoutique, these seeds were given to him by a British soldier who obtained them directly from Mazari Sharif, Afghanistan. (A city which is famous for it's hashish) Who knows if that's true though.

From what I've read/seen this strain has a bad leaf-to-bud ratio but the bud you do get is a classic, hard hitting indica stone. It should be interesting to see what I get. They already are a little stinky when I open the closet. :)
Actually i was just thinking, bad leaf to bud ratio prob makes little difference as far as hash making goes. given that the leaves are nice and sticky of course.

I saw a thing on Discovery (or one of those channels) recently about these Afghans that are basically slaves and have to grow weed/make hash all day and they get payed almost nothing for it. (they do get to smoke A LOT though) and people are trying to convince them to grow real food but its just not working out. I feel bad for that country its got so many problems.

I might pick up some of those seeds though.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Just a small update. It's only been one day but the 12/12 stretch has already taken effect. Just a couple days ago they were little babies, lol. :mrgreen:

Although this is just pure speculation the one tall plant in the back left I'm thinking is male. It's much taller than the other two and seems to be doing more upward growth than the others. The other two are staying short so hopefully I get two females! :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
12/12 stretch continues:

I'm pretty sure ones a male but I was hoping for one male actually; I'm going to pollinate a female and hopefully get some more Mazar-I-Sharif seeds for future grows. :bigjoint:

I also added an additional two 42w CFL's. Temps are perfect at 77F. They also got their first taste of Big Bloom. I did a mix of 1tsb grow big and 1tsb of big bloom. I'm waiting on Tiger bloom until they get a little bigger.



Well-Known Member
Well, so much for this grow. Get this, out of three plants EVERY single one was male. I wasted an entire bag of FF Ocean Forrest on them too. I usually stick to feminized seeds but these were the only ones I had left. :sad:

Time to go buy some good fem'd seeds and another bag of FF OF. I think I'll try a classic this time. Sensi Seeds - Skunk #1 seems to fit the bill and the price is nice. :)


I'm sorry this grow turned out so bad for you m8. Was really looking forward to seeing your final product. Ah well. I hope your skunk grow goes well.