1800 cool tubes setup


Well-Known Member
Hi as the title says I'm just about setup on a 1800 watt HP's setup,my question is would this be adequate enough for 20 girls

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Well-Known Member
for 20 girls you are going to need a big room.. unless you are going to keep them little. I have seen 5 plants completely take up a 4x6 room under 1000watts ..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reply, its a celler so rooms not much of a issue, just wondering if the light is enough for 20

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Well-Known Member
Are you growing trees or little bushes? If the plants stay under 2 ft. or so, like a SoG setup, then yeah I think 1800 watts is fair for 20. It's more about the light footprint than the number of plants.


Well-Known Member
ok from looking at your picture there you got issues if thats finished room. Wheres the ventilation for the tubes? you dont expect the cool tubes to cool themselves do you? Buy a 8'' inline fan to cool them or switch over to regular reflectors because cool tubes SUCK at reflecting light. Build some walls to or buy a tent or something man. Obviously kids around with the Power Wheels in pic so hide that shit man. My one buddy has 4 600s and runs 16-20 plants in a 9x10 room with about same headroom you got to give you idea.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for rep!y, far from finished room lol, got 2 x 5" fans 1 x 6" fans all with there own carbon filter and the 4 plug contactor unit for power of the lights, fans dehumififier ect all there (heat will be ducted to outside).... Its the celler, no kids down there just old toys and junk... Picture was just to give a idea of space and power of lights to answer my question

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Well-Known Member
no worries man! So your main concern is if you can fit 20 plants in that area? See thing is you could have 20 crowded girls yield less then 10 big fat budded girls so i wouldnt be concerend with number of plants as much as using space properly. Id grow 6 plants in your room, 2 under each cool tube. Id shoot for 6oz per plant to.


Well-Known Member
Thanks exactly the advice I was after lol, would it be best to fim/top to yield that much?

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Well-Known Member
Yeah Id top early around 4". Then I wait until those 2 new tops grow 2" and top them. End up with 6-8 tops depending on if the under branches catch up to the 6 main tops you created.


Well-Known Member
Thanks got a bit of a plan now, never topped before just a few quick grows so will do some research, thanks for the advive

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Well-Known Member
Id go with 5 gallon pots to. something like 16oz solo cup to 2 gallon to 5 gallon. get them roughly 2ft in veg then bloom them. 8 top bushes at 4-5 feet tall full of thick buds. good luck man!!!


Well-Known Member
Cheers a while before this is running as you can tell by the PIC, but I'll give that a shot, I'll get some vegging once in get the rest of my equipment out of storage and keep some girls vegging.... Will post a link once is going... Thanks again

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