197,613members of rollitup


Active Member
yesterday i saw on this site it said there were 197,613 members of rollitup.org can this many people be wrong?i love this site and appreciate what the creators are doing for us!thanks


Active Member
nope, but ive been there though,they have amazing trees and its a really nice city. one of the best places ive been in Canada forsure


Active Member
IMO, this is the best cannabis related board on the net.
the day i decided to join a cannabis forum i googled it,it was iether rollitup or cannabusculture ill probably join them eventually but havent had the chance or need to yet.this site has all i need.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I had been at grasscity for 2 years, then finally got fed up and joined the next one I got to, rollitup... I think I'll be sticking around here. Now that mycology101 is in hallucinatory substances, I have no reason to join shroomery which was a forum I was considering to join...


Active Member
just be sure to be safe if buying on the streets,have someone with you.canada is more ghetto then we perceive(mainly in the downtown,there's alot of suburbs that are usually very safe but shit happens)
anyone thats coming up(or down) to canada i wish them a great trip! and if 1 or 2 people are dicks, dont let it ruin your trip everywhere has issues and were overall a great country.


New Member
Oh Canada.......................I love being a Canadian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a beer guzzling, weed smoking, bar fighting hockey player!!!!!!!


Active Member
I joined this site specifically because it had a large comprehensive growing community and the other parts of the site are awesome as well. I never had the chance to join Overgrow.com, but from what I've read this place is one of the main 'spinoffs'. I'm very happy here, very awesome community.


Active Member
I love this country and it seems all canadian do(exept the odd duche and asshole licker)
TPB!!! i wish bubbles had it better,he gets the shit-end of the stick too often!
i gotta rep for bubbles! someone better 2nd that notion!


yesterday i saw on this site it said there were 197,613 members of rollitup.org
Yes, but to be fair, at least 25% must be the same loser troll posting the same inane crap under different names...